Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Blog #12 Holiday Calories, catching up, and reading your books

Good morning cadets. As we are getting ready to start this festive holiday season, I have to be the Grinch and remind all of you that you need to eat healthy and watch those calories.  Your task this week is to post how many Christmas goodies you ate  and how many calories they contained.  You have to post the URL link for the site that confirms your calorie amounts. In addition to this, you must post which calorie content surprised you the most. Remember to post your comments on your peer's work as well.  Last but not least, you must download your textbooks from the SKEDULA site and post back to this to confirm that you have them. Good luck, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza and a Blessed Eid. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Blog #11, Your leadership book selection and vital information

Hi again cadets. Here it is December already and your term project is due just around the corner on the 6th of January.  Your homework this week it to go to the SKEDULA website and download the worksheets for your term project. The files are in Word Document and PDF Format.  Remember that these are just worksheets and you must follow the instructions to achieve and outstanding grade on this project. Once you have your book, you must post all related information about your book.

Date Published:
Number of Pages.

Don't forget, when you are finished with the above task you must post your initial opinions of the book after you have started reading it.

If you can't find your book with over 125 pages, you may select another individual as long as you post that change to this site. Once you post it with the above information, I will leave an approval for you on this site as well.  Remember that this link is going to be posted on our SKEDULA site so get to work and make it happen.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Blog #10 Who is your favorite leader to read about?

Welcome to the 3rd marking period cadets. Since we are reading about leadership and management your task this week should be a relatively easy one.  You must select a leader from the 20th or 21st century that is a positive role model and read an autobiography or biography about that person. Below is a list of possible selections but they are not the only ones to choose from.  You must select your person, then find a web-site about that individual and post the URL back to our blog. You must then explain why you chose your person as well. The last thing that you must do is to comment on at least one other cadet's work. Remember that leaders come in all shapes and sizes and also from all areas and walks of life, not just from the military or politics. Anyone that has had a profound positive effect on society as a whole is up for grabs.  Don't forget that there are 4 parts to this assignment and that you must complete all 4 parts to get full credit.  See list that follow for ideas: