Friday, March 20, 2015

Blog #20 Your clock is ticking and so is your body

Good morning Cadets. We are finishing our Health module and have just sprung forward with our clocks so it's time to see what type of effect that has on our bodies. The following story is from research that tells of the effects of your body clock and what it does to all parts of our body. Your task is to read/list to the story and after your work, post a brief synopsis of the story along with 3 Bullet Facts / statements from the story that you did not know. Along with that, you must also post a video/story from the Internet about the effects of time on your body and lastly you must also comment on at least one of your peer's work.  Good luck and I hope that you like this story. Here is your link:  NPR Your internal body clock

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Blog #18 How do you pay it forward?

I am glad to see that you have enjoyed the video. I see that you all have a great way of helping others but what type of an idea do you have for "Paying It Forward"? What can you do to make a difference for someone in the future? Rethink the video and post your response along with a Story/Video that depicts a person helping another person and make sure to post your comments on at least one of your peer's work. Good job so far and keep the great work going.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Blog #17 Command Inspection Reflection

Hi again cadets. You did a great job on the first half of our Gold Star Inspection this week. Out of 100 possible points, your team effort scored a 98 so that is really awesome.  Your task this week is to post a "Reflection" on our site about how you feel about passing the inspection.  Your reflection must be at least one full paragraph with at least 5 sentences. If you write more, then you will gain extra credit. Once you have posted your reflection, make sure that you post any Positive Video that you want to our site. Remember to comment on your peer's work and you will be finished for this week. Good luck and I look forward to seeing all of your comments.