Friday, March 20, 2015

Blog #20 Your clock is ticking and so is your body

Good morning Cadets. We are finishing our Health module and have just sprung forward with our clocks so it's time to see what type of effect that has on our bodies. The following story is from research that tells of the effects of your body clock and what it does to all parts of our body. Your task is to read/list to the story and after your work, post a brief synopsis of the story along with 3 Bullet Facts / statements from the story that you did not know. Along with that, you must also post a video/story from the Internet about the effects of time on your body and lastly you must also comment on at least one of your peer's work.  Good luck and I hope that you like this story. Here is your link:  NPR Your internal body clock


  1. The human body works like a clock, each cells in our body have their own specific job, and help us function our body. When we go to sleep at night, our body goes into a sleeping state and our body recharges its energy. The brain continues to function but our brain doesn't have enough breaks, it would malfunction and damages the body instead. When we drink water, it help refreshes the body and eating food would help nourishes the body and giving vitamins to our body. To be Continue

    1. Yangc8
      I agree we need to drink more water because nowadays people neglect water and don't drink as much because of soda and other beverages. Eating healthy and staying healthy will nourish our body in many ways.

  2. The article tells about how not just our brains have natural time telling cycles. All parts of our bodies have these cycles to help us survive. Messing up these cycles by going against what our brains tell us is negatively affecting our health. We should listen to when our bodies tell us to eat and to sleep.

    -other organs have clocks
    -people that eat at different times can lose weight differently
    -these organs must be in sync to be the healthiest possible

    Roberts M period 7

  3. Yangc8

    This article states that our organs in our body have some sort of body clocks that help us function our body. For example, at 10pm your body may want you to go to sleep, but you don't want to and when you want to sleep, your body doesn't want to. If m=we mess with the human body's sleep and wake schedule, we will get some consequences. If we don't live by the clock, we may get diabetes or weight gain. We need to sleep early instead of pulling all nighters and make sure we get enough rest. Not doing so will be and endangerment of our well being and health.
    1. Humans are time keeping machines
    2. The pancreas has a flute sound
    3. "The finding that we had was that people who ate their main meal earlier in the day were much more successful at losing weight," says study author Frank Scheer


    2. YANG Z
      Double check your grammatical mistakes. the body clock is what we should follow for a healthier body


    This story is about the functions in the body and they have to do with the body clock that we have. different timing of meals, medicines, and rest can bring to a change in the body and the functions of it. eating main meals in the morning will allow weight loosing easier and faster. the more we follow the body clock the better and healthier we will be.
    - the organs have a clock telling people when to eat and rest
    - they causes diseases when the people don't follow their body clock
    - clock ion all cells of the body
    - the heart: drums
    The kidney: horns
    Pancreas: flute
    - outrage of body clock causes the disease that we get.

  5. Philip Ioannou, LET#2 JROTC
    3 Facts,

    1. Living against the clock for an extended period of time or adopting such behavior as a lifestyle can result in Type 2 diabetes.
    2. Having a late night snack can result in the pancreas resetting it's time clock.
    3. The time of day you take medication / a drug can influence it's potency.

    In this article it canvases how each of our individual body organs possess a "clock" and have designated times for certain activities such as eating or taking medication. The time you do certain things can effect the body's organs in a way that causes them to increase blood pressure, have issues in regulating blood pressure generate weight gain or produce Type 2 diabetes to be present in the body. Based off of our modern society and attempts to be on time and rush everything has led to issues with our internal body clocks, either resetting them or causing confusion with them.

  6. LinK8
    The article tells us about how our brains has a natural time clock for our body so we can stay healthy. By denying sleep or going to sleep at a time the brain deems a wrong time will make the brain tell us that we're not keeping a healthy schedule. Eating dinner at midnight is also going to trigger our brain to not do that since our organs aren't ready for a meal at a time in which we should be sleeping.

    1. The brain is not the only one with a clock.
    2. Eating earlier in the day can help you lose weight.
    3. We actually NEED a schedule throughout our day so our organs are in sync.

  7. The human body works like a clock. Each cell has our own function and specific task in the body.When we sleep our brain does not stop functioning our brain works 24/7 and our brain does not have many breaks and it could damage.We also need food and water to help our body and brain function.So if your body tells you to sleep or eat you should listen and not damage your body

  8. LoganSantosF8 The article basically talks about the effects of not getting the appropriate amounts of sleep the body needs. staying up late can result in weight gain, diabetes, and increased blood pressure. Your body is thrown off its natural "clock". #weight gain #increase blood pressure #diabetes Roberts M I agree with what you say.

  9. GuivesesZ8

    Contrary to popular belief, our organs do not have synchronized clocks. Instead, every cell in the human body follows different sleep-wake cycles. Due to this much more complex discovery, messing with our body clocks has been considered to be detrimental in the long run. Among the most common side effects of defying our natural master clock are Type 2 Diabetes and weight gain. This issue is not only correlated to sleep--irregular eating schedules can also contribute to negative results.Therefore, one should aim to abide by a regular cycle to prevent chronic damage to our cells.

    *Each organ has a different clock.
    *The time of day one takes a drug influences its potency.
    *Eating the main meal earlier in the day can help with weight loss.

    1. I didn't know that eating the main meal of the day could influence our weight. it explains why I los weight I guess !

  10. What I've had learn in the article is that evidence of studies showed is that if we mess with the body's natural sleep and wake that's is going to affect us in our body system because our body need rest. Also it talks about weight lost. How we have to take care our body and not get obese. Also what the doctor Frank said that caught my attention is that People that eat there meal earlier have successfully lost weight then people that ate later in the afternoon.

    1. Your body does not only need rest, it requires your organs to be synchronized for it to be able to carry out proper bodily functions so as to avoid grogginess. By maintaining a regular schedule, the organs release only the necessary amount of hormones, allowing for an easier way to lose weight.


    Our body works like a clock 24 hours a day. The body already has a set system therefore when interfere with it we pay the price. For example most of us only get 5 hours or less of sleep this is terrible because we should be sleeping a minimum of 8 hours. So when our body doesn't get the rest it needs it has to work harder to produce energy. Also not eating at a regular time can cause weight gain. Therefor we should attempt to follow a schedule so we can live a long and healthy life.

    -Eating the main meal earlier in the day can help with weight loss
    -The organs have a clock telling people when to eat and rest
    -The time of day one takes a drug influences its potency.

  12. CasquetP PD7
    The human brain works like a clock. Each cell has its own function and specific function in the body. The amount of hours we get when we sleep are very important. We need to sleep early instead of staying up all night and make sure we get enough rest. Not doing so will be harmful to our body. the main meal earlier in the day can help with weight loss
    -Having a late night snack can result in the pancreas resetting it's time clock.
    -Each organ has a different clock
