Monday, April 13, 2015

Blog #21 Drugs are everywhere, what drug are you teaching about?

Good Morning Cadets. You have already received your Google.Doc for your Group Drug Presentations so now that you have sellected your drug, you must post your Drug that you chose to our site, post a URL/Video about your drug as well as 3 facts.  Once you have posted your information, remember to post a positive comment on at least one of your peer's work. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your work in class this next week.


  1. YangZ8

    The drug that i am teaching is morphine. morphine is a pain killer used in hospitals and in wars. There are morphine pills usually prescribed as a medication and morphine in vaccines are used in hospitals to control pain. Morphine has many side effects such as addiction because the chemical used to make morphine is very addicting.

    1. This is very interesting. It is used for medical purposes however doctors continue to prescribe the medication. I believe after a certain amount of time that person should not be able to get there hands on thus drug.

  2. Philip Ioannou, LET # 2, Period #8

    The drug I am discussing is cocaine. Cocaine is a stimulant which is also an appetite suppressant. It comes from the Coca plant and is highly addictive and dangerous and can kill an individual upon first use or later use for various reasons, commonly an overly high dosage. It found most popularity in the 1980's and 1990's and is known as “coke,” “C,” “snow,” “flake,” or “blow.”

    1. Did you know 25 million people use cocaine at least once in their life time in the U.S could use that for your project!

  3. RobertsM8

    The drug I am presenting on is LSD. LSD is a hallucinogen that is commonly used and found at parties and other social gatherings. It was first created by Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman when he was trying to modify substances to assist women with childbirth. Hoffman accidentally came into contact with the substance and felt its effects. LSD was first outlawed in 1965. Today, LSD is very easy to obtain.

  4. Yangc8
    I am doing a presentation on barbiturates / downers. A barbiturate is basically a drug that acts as the central nervous system depressants. Barbiturates are used to treat anxiety, insomnia, and seizure disorders. Barbiturates can be addictive and have strong withdrawal symptoms and rebound effects on rapid eye movement sleep when they are abruptly stopped and can interfere with sleep.

    1. It is interesting that barbiturates are utilized to treat insomnia, yet obstruct sleep when dosage is stopped. This raises the question of whether drug-reliance is a warranted consequence of solving another issue.

  5. GuivesesZ8

    The drug that my partner and I will be presenting will be LSD/Mushrooms, which fall under the class of hallucinogens.

    *Contrary to popular belief, hallucinogens are not physically addictive—but they do cause psychological dependence.
    *LSD was formerly used in the military for enemy troops to help elicit truthful responses.
    *The use of magic mushrooms can be traced back to the age of the Aztecs.

  6. The drug I am presenting is cocaine.
    Cocaine is extracted from coco leafs
    it was a religious tradition
    people use cocaine by sniffing injecting smoking etc.

  7. The drug I chose to work on is crystal meth. Methamphetamine is an illegal drug in the same class as cocaine and other powerful street drugs. It has many nicknames meth, crank, chalk or speed being the most common. Crystal meth is used by individuals of all ages, but is most commonly used as a “club drug,” taken while partying in night clubs or at rave parties. Its most common street names are ice or glass. It is a dangerous and potent chemical and, as with all drugs, a poison that first acts as a stimulant but then begins to systematically destroy the body. Thus it is associated with serious health conditions, including memory loss, aggression, psychotic behavior and potential heart and brain damage.
