Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Blog #17 Command Inspection Reflection

Hi again cadets. You did a great job on the first half of our Gold Star Inspection this week. Out of 100 possible points, your team effort scored a 98 so that is really awesome.  Your task this week is to post a "Reflection" on our site about how you feel about passing the inspection.  Your reflection must be at least one full paragraph with at least 5 sentences. If you write more, then you will gain extra credit. Once you have posted your reflection, make sure that you post any Positive Video that you want to our site. Remember to comment on your peer's work and you will be finished for this week. Good luck and I look forward to seeing all of your comments.


  1. I feel that the Command Inspection was better than I thought. When I came to face the inspectors, it want as scary. I realized that if I studied hard enough, I wouldn't be as embarrassed. Knowing that we scored a 98 on drill inspection really boosted or morals up. I had a good experience while watching what could have been done to be better. We take pride in what we do.

  2. LinK8
    The inspection was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I definitely think we over prepared the inspection and over exaggerated how it would have gone down. Although that's not really a bad thing because it's better to be over prepared and do very well than be under prepared. The only thing I'm disappointed about is that most of us LET 2's studied so hard to make sure the inspection's failure, (if it had been one) wasn't on us. But I'm not gonna complain about how it was easier than we thought it would have been.

  3. GuivesesZ8

    It would be safe to say that we had actually been over-prepared—not that it is something negative. After weeks of staying in the office to complete staff work and offer assistance for other tasks, it feels gratifying to see everything pay off. I admit that I had been worried about the Let 1's, considering that they had not been exposed sufficiently as to how drill inspections function. However, all my worried vanished 5 minutes into the process. I should be embarrassed for having underestimated them.

    1. I agree everyone who said they didn't cared proved themselves wrong, they were so nervous and eager to do things correctly.

  4. YangZ

    I think command inspection was easier than i thought it would be because the people who came to inspect us were really nice and they asked questions that were simple. They did not ask hard questions such as the chain of command. I never expected that we will do such a good job because we had LET 1s that joined for the second semester and they did not bring us down. They have work hard and I feel proud of them for working hard on trying to keep our gold star. we should keep up our good work for the next inspection and keep our gold star.

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    Many cadets worked hard to be able to accomplish us being able to continue to wear our gold star. This wasn't easy being that many cadet and our instructors were leaving the office very late. There was this one night we went over all the portfolios and admin. Records we did leave till like 630/700 at night. Being over prepared is better than being underprepared because it show the inspectors that we care about out program. Personally I was really nervous but I knew we would be just fine. Also we had the cadet inspection many cadets were super nervous. They kept asking what do I say how do I stand etc, which showed thT they actually cared. I am very happy we scored highly. I will expect the next group of cadet who will be inspected to do the sMe thing.
