Thursday, March 5, 2015

Blog #18 How do you pay it forward?

I am glad to see that you have enjoyed the video. I see that you all have a great way of helping others but what type of an idea do you have for "Paying It Forward"? What can you do to make a difference for someone in the future? Rethink the video and post your response along with a Story/Video that depicts a person helping another person and make sure to post your comments on at least one of your peer's work. Good job so far and keep the great work going.


  1. Philip Ioannou, Period #8, LET #2

    I pay it forward by supplying homeless folk on the streets (who I know aren't drug users or alcohol addicts, or known to spend it all on lottery tickets) with my pocket change. I volunteer. I give away extra food that I have on me, like this time in Manhattan I gave my extra Five Guys away to a homeless man. When I'm at a fast food restaurant I usually don't keep the coins and I put them in the donation box (if they have any). So, I try to do what I can and I hope it can benefit someone in need.

    1. ZiemczonekB , period 7 LET #2
      Nice to hear that someone still care about this people.

    2. CasqueteP pd7 i do the same thing if i see a donation box or cup i would but the change i have.

    3. Diaz C pd 7 let 2 i agree with you its always good to donate when you can

  2. I've never gave money for a person on the street but my family and I are donating money from time to time to churches or clothes to Red Cross . Because you never know whom you are giving your money and what are they going to do with it.

  3. CanM5
    There is a reason for everything and my reason of giving money or food to a person in need is, I don't know if one day i'm gonna need that. Not so long ago I saw a homeless guy and I was eating cookies and i had some other stuff that i didn't want, therefore I walked up to him and placed it next to him. He looked at me and thanked me i simply said no need to thank me.

  4. I think this is a very inspiring video. In all honestly in my whole life i have only given a few homeless people a dollar. I donate to soup kitchens that help feed the less fortunate.

  5. YangZ PD8

    i think this video is really emotional and inspiring because people around the neighborhood are willing to give up one dollar to give the homeless food. not many people would do such a nice thing because they worked hard for their money and the homeless who don't work obviously can't afford food. people might not know that the reality behind this is because they can't find a job or it's just not enough salary to pay off what they need. what the store owner did was a great thing, someday all the people who got free pizza would come back to give donations for the next set of homeless.

  6. Diaz C pd 7 let 4 This video inspires me to give back to others. everyday i spend a few bucks on junk food that is not necessary,so instead i will look forward to donating a dollar when i see a homeless person.

  7. Link8
    This video is very inspiring to those who are less than fortunate in the streets. I try to give what I can to homeless people when I can but not as much as I'd like to. I usually donate clothes and food to people who need it to local churches.

    1. Yangc8
      I think you're doing a wonderful job. Although at this age, we cannot give much money, we can do great things to help our community. Donating clothes, books, charities, canned food drives, etc is a good way to help and show people humans aren't bad, greed and desires are. There are actually really caring people around

  8. Yangc8

    This video above gives me a hint of what success feels like. I take pride in what I do because the best part about helping people out is their feedback, "Thank you for your service". Whenever I hear that, I want to do whatever I do again and again. Nothing is more special than seeing smiles across children to adult's faces. These past years, I've been donating clothes and books to the homeless. I've been doing as much as I can to help those in need. Being in jrotc has gave me more opportunities to be involved in my community and it has changed me a lot as a person.

  9. GuivesesZ8

    While having no spare time is a sorry excuse to justify my lack of contributions to help the less fortunate, I find that I am usually too concerned about myself and getting tasks done. In order to compensate for this, I volunteer regularly at a local soup kitchen every summer and donate as many gently used clothing as I can. Although this may not seem much, merely seeing a smile on the people's faces as I serve them a warm meal is enough to make me believe that I am doing enough.

    1. I can say he same his past school year I have been so busy that I haven't had he time to give back o my community as I have had in the past. Like I said before every little hing counts. :-)

  10. Torresf pd7

    It brakes my heart when I see someone in need of food, shelter, clothes etc. I always think what if that was my family or even me. I would hope someone would help me. I have volunteered twice at a shelter handing out book bags with a toothbrush some wipes , a set of pajama, soap, and a snack. It may not have been much but every little bit counts. When my mom and I go out and we see a hornless person she will always put a dollar or some change in. It's all about working together no helping each other out.
