Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Blog #12 Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all...

Good morning cadets and I hope you are enjoying your time off from school. As we are celebrating during the holidays keep in mind that there are many other ethnic groups in our society that may not celebrate the holiday that you celebrate. So in keeping with the spirit of the season, please post to our site what holiday you celebrate at this time of year and what you have to be thankful for.  If you do not celebrate a holiday, then only post what you have to be thankful for.  Post a link for your holiday and a video would be great as well.  Comment on your peer's work and you are done, easy peasy and you won't have to spend a lot of time with this one.  I celebrate Christmas every year because that is the way I was raised in my family. I am thankful for my health and my family and blessed because all of my California family is visiting us for the holidays. One of my best presents ever. I am also very fortunate to have a great bunch of cadets/students that keep each and every day interesting at school. Thanks for letting me be a part of your future. Regards and have a Happy Holidays to each and every one of you.


  1. I'm not celebrate Christmas every year,because my parents both are so busy,I'm thankful for my parents and my big sister because they always unconditional accommodate me and protect me. Happy holidays!


    1. DomG7
      I like that you don't resent your family for being busy all the time and not being able to celebrate Christmas, but rather are thankful for them :), hope you enjoyed your winter break!

  2. PadT8
    I celebrate Christmas and am thankful for my friends and family for all of their love and support.

  3. I am thankful for my family and friends that i celebrated Christmas with. They are always there and they always help me.

  4. I am thankful this season because none of my family member or friends are in jail , and they are outside free. i am also thankful to be in the United States of America this holiday.

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  6. DomG7
    I celebrate Christmas, and I am thankful for my health and for family and friends who continuously encourage me to try my best.
    Below is a link describing briefly what Christmas is and several videos about Christmas.

  7. Sand7

    My family and I don't really celebrate Christmas but regardless I am grateful for my family and friends, like everyone else, because they're the most important part of everyone's lives because like the TED talks video we watched in class, social connections are what makes someone the happiest. The below is a website that encourages a positive attitude by listing all the things you should be grateful for.

  8. Acopd8
    I do celebrate Christmas and I am extremely tankful for my family and friends who have motivated me though it all.

  9. RocW Prd 8
    This time of the holiday me and my family gather together and celebrate together and we pray. I am thankful for my family that is always supporting me specially my mom who is always their for me. i am also thankful for the few close friends that i have that are always their for me.

    1. MunV8
      Like you, my mom is also very supportive and always there for me.

  10. MunV8
    My family and I do celebrate Christmas. During the holidays I'm always thankful for having the family I have who supports me and thankful that we made it through another year.

  11. BarL7
    I celebrate Christmas with my family. I am thankful for having a big family that I get to spend the holidays with. I am thankful for my mom because she is always there for me no matter what.
