Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Blog #13 Term Project Worksheet fresh off the press

Happy holidays cadets and I hope you are enjoying your time off from school. Here is the worksheet that I promised you that you can download with all of the Term Project questions that must be answered. Make sure that you follow the directions and you will be able to do well on this work. Your task is to post at least one fact about the person you are reading about now that you didn't know and explain why this person interests you. Add an website URL for facts about your person and comment on at least one of your peer's work and you are done for the count. Good luck, have fun and remember to read a book...


  1. Douglas MacArthur is a unique person. His family was also very interesting. His father was a union veteran and his mother was from the Confederate veteran.

    Ireneusz Szymborski LET2 PD8

    1. He is a great person,and I saw the websit,He was president of the American Olympic Committee (AOC).

      YAO LIU

  2. I'm reading Nelson Mandela's biography now ,Nelson Mandela is seen as one of history's most inspirational figures.
    He became his country's first black president after spending 27 years in jail and is held up as one of the greatest leaders the world has ever seen.


    1. He lived up to his name: Mandela's birth name was Rolihlahla. In Xhosa, one of the official languages of South Africa, "Rolihlahla" means "pulling the branch of a tree" -- or, troublemaker.
      YAO LIU

  3. I am doing Eleanor Roosevelt. She was the first lady to hold the first press conference. It is really interesting to learn a lot about her

  4. PadT8
    I am reading about Amelia Earhart. I learned that she was a nurse's aid during World War I. She also worked as a teacher and a social worker. I find it interesting that she had jobs unrelated to aviation at first, but ended up turning her hobby of flying planes into a career and legacy.

  5. PadT8
    I am reading about Amelia Earhart. I learned that she was a nurse's aid during World War I. She also worked as a teacher and a social worker. I find it interesting that she had jobs unrelated to aviation at first, but ended up turning her hobby of flying planes into a career and legacy.

  6. BAGJ7 This is a test to see if this works.

  7. Bagj7
    i am reading about Neil Armstrong. The first human who step into the moon. His life is very interesting, I hope this is gonna work.

  8. Sand7

    I am reading about Hillary Clinton and I discovered that she was a children's lawyer, an activist for the Children's Rights Movement early in her career following her graduation from Yale and she she took on many child abuse cases.

  9. EspK8

    I am reading about Bill Gates, i have learned that he founded Microsoft in 1975 an it became the worlds largest software company. He also has the largest private foundation in the world.

    1. MunV8
      It's amazing how this guy was so smart and created the world's largest software company that we all use nowadays. Technology is a must now in our society.

  10. Cong7
    I am reading about John Lennon. I found out He and his band were named a member of the order of the British Empire.

  11. BarL7
    I read an autobiography written by Rosa Parks. One new fact that I learned about her that I didn't know before was that she finished high school after she was married. Rosa Parks interests me because she was focused and determined to change African American lives for the better and to help them gain the equality they deserved.

  12. MunV8
    I read about Walt Disney. Disney was a self-made man who never finished high school because he grew up in poverty. Most of what Walt Disney knew was self-thought. He was an animator and cartoonist.

    1. DomG7
      I think that's very interesting because it comes to show that you don't NEED education to become successful. Of course I think everyone SHOULD get an education but I'm glad although he didn't have the opportunity to do so, he pursued his dreams and became extremely successful.

  13. Christian PlacenciaJanuary 7, 2016 at 6:17 PM

    I read a book about Babe Ruth. One thing that i never knew about him was that he was put in a Catholic Industrial school. That school was for bad kids and he never went to school so, he wasn't very bright.He stayed in that school for years because he couldn't be responsible. Even though he was bad as a kid the reason why i picked him was because he became a man and inspired people throughout the world.

    1. SanI7
      I think it's interesting that even though he wasn't very smart he inspired people thorughout the world somehow. Alos, since you said that he inspired people, I assume that later on he became a responsible man.

  14. SanI7
    My book is about Princess Diana. Princess Diana suffered from bulimia and depression. Princess Diana was a swimmer and a diver, and she also liked tennis, hockey and ballet. She won her school dance competition and many swimming competitions which raised her confidence. She also felt guilty for being born a girl since her parents wanted a boy. I was interest in reading about her because I always heard about her and her death but never read about her, so I wanted to learn about something new.

    1. RocW8
      Princess Diana seems interesting because she is a princess and most of them are suppose to be happy but she suffered from deppression like you wrote and i find that weird since she is a princess.

  15. RocW8
    Th person i chose was Billie Holiday. I read a biography about her. She is know as a legendary jazz singer. She had a stressful childhood. She lived everywhere around Harlem. She used to go to jazz clubs and sing. She didn't have a good education because she started cutting school in the fourth grade. When i was reading the book it said how Billie Holiday did drugs and i was shocked because that is something that i didn't know and because she didn't seem like the type of person to do drugs.

  16. Acopd8
    The person I chose to read about was Oprah Winfrey. I did not know that Oprah had a hard and stressful childhood constantly moving back and fourth from her grandmothers house to her parents house. I also did not know that Oprah liked to read and started to read at a young age. I chose Oprah Because I was interested to her religious views.

  17. DomG7
    I chose to do my book review on Robin Williams. I learned that he spent most of his childhood alone because both his parents worked. This enhanced his imagination and creativity which helped him with his comedic career. However, this neglect as a child contributed to his depression in later years that eventually lead him to taking his own life.
