Monday, January 4, 2016

Blog #14 Happy New Year and wishing everyone a great year ahead

Good morning cadets and welcome to 2016.  I hope you had a great holiday and are ready to get back to school.  You task this week is to post what your New Years Resolution is for 2016.  Some people feel pressured to make them and some make them and break them just as fast.  So put up your resolution/goal for 2016 along with a video or website url that supports your resolution.  Remember to comment on at least one of your peers and you will be done.  Don't forget to finish your Leader Book Review for your term project as well and we are another week closer to being finished with your First Semester of JROTC as a LET2.  My New Years Resolution is to curb my sweet tooth and to use my time more wisely.  Only time will tell but I feel motivated to make this happen so you can ask me how things are going once in a while in class. 


  1. Aleksander Lesniak LET 2
    I have three main resolutions for 2016.
    1) Loose the fat, so far Ive been trying for 5 years in a row.
    2) Become a better person, and overall try to be a bit nicer to people.
    3) Become good at my favorite past time, I have lost the will to actually do what I love the most, play computer games, and I really want to get back into it.

    There is no link for my resolutions, because they are strictly about my personality.

    1. Sand7

      That is interesting, my goals were quite similar. I think this should be the year you actually go through with it.

    2. ZheJ7

      Hey Lesniak, I suggest going outside to exercise. It would help with #1. But like they say. You are what you eat. put in junk. you get junk. And one more thing. God speed.

  2. Sand7

    My three resolutions for 2016 are pretty common:
    1) Start exercising to feel less fatigue to fight my anemia that makes me enervated so often.
    2) Get my average higher in the second term
    3) Get an internship for the summer
    I'm trying to become increasingly more productive with the passing years and I think these goals will help me achieve that.
    This is an article that I think will be helpful to everyone because it is about how to stick with the goals you set for yourself.

    1. DomG7
      I would also like to get an internship! My parents aren't to on board with the idea because not all internships pay, they don't understand how much it will benefit me. Best of luck to the both of us :D.

  3. ZheJ7

    1)This year I plan to get some friends active during the summer. Bike riding, much more eco friendly and healthy.
    2)This year I plan to mature more than I have already matured. A year of growing and improving. So-forth. To always seek to grow and improve is important. I feel like I'm not fulfilling my ability to do the best i can do.
    3)This year. A goal I have is to hopefully rally our Academic team to do well during the 2nd Academic Bowl at our Rival's HS. Along with going to nationals. To prove that our Academic Team is a force to be reckoned with. Also to get into leadership next year. Since we'll have a new AI. And in times of such. There needs to be someone whose able to lay a path for Tiger Battalion.
    As for a new year resolution. To be less stubborn.

  4. Acopd8
    1. Loose some weight. get a higher average second term because I started to slack off and get lazy in the first term.
    3. To be more organized , although I am organized in school I would like to be more organized in general.

    1. MunV8
      Like you, I started slacking off this term and I don't like the fact that I did that but hopefully in the new term I do so much better.

    2. Its seems that weight is everyone resolution for the year. I feel that pt from the class helped me work out more. Your resolutions are very similar to mine (1 and 2). I hope you achieve them.

  5. RocW Pd 8
    My new year resolution is to
    1. Control my attitude and the way i am towards people
    2. To concentrate in school and pass all my classes and not go to summer school.
    3. to start eating healthy and loose weight.

  6. DomG7
    Some of my resolutions/goals for this year are
    1. (much like my peers): To increase my average this term in order to be a part of the National Honor Society my senior year. I procrastinate a lot and put of assignments which drastically affects my grades. I will strive to turn in all assignments on time in hopes to do better in class and earn better grades.
    2. This has been a recurring goal for as long as I can remember but I'd like to participate more often and be more outgoing. I've always struggled with being shy and can never seem to overcome it. (Procrastination)

    1. DomG7
      I would also like to get an internship! My parents aren't to on board with the idea because not all internships pay, they don't understand how much it will benefit me. Best of luck to the both of us :D.

    2. DomG7
      ..I posted my reply on the wrong comment by accident ..

    3. MunV8
      Three of my New Years resolution are:
      1. Like many, one of my resolution is to become more active physically and to start eating healthier and change the way I'm doing things now.
      2. I would like to obtain a 90% or higher as an overall average, pass all my regents with high grades and not procrastinate.
      3. This year I would like to get a job and start earning my own money because my parents are not always going to be there for me and I need to learn how the real world really is.

    4. BarL7
      One of my goals is, I would like to earn a 90 or above average, like you. I think we are both capable of achieving our goals as long as we commit to them!

  7. My 3 New Years Resolutions are:
    1). Going to the gym and gaining muscle mass.
    2). Pass all my classes with a 75 or higher.
    3). I plan to send my college application in the year and to get accepted to a city college. this site plans to help find the right college for me.
    -Ireneusz Szymborski

  8. BarL7
    My three resolutions/goals for 2016:
    1. Stop procrastinating
    2. Earn a 90 overall average
    3. To try to become a more outgoing person within and outside of school.

    1. SanI7
      I think I need to stop procrastinating as well because I leave homework for last minute and then I end up complaining that I have a lot of homework, and I also want a 90 average or above.

  9. My three resolutions for 2016 are:
    1. Get an 80 or above in all of my classes.
    2. Procrastinate less and complete all of my assignments on time.
    3. Participate more, especially in my English class.
    How to stop procrastinating:

  10. The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

  11. SanI7
    My three resolutions for 2016 are:
    1. To keep my average above a 90 and get higher grades than last year.
    2. To pass a physics test.
    3. To help my mom more around the house.
    The link below are some tips on how to do better in physics because I think I really need them and I'm going to try to use them since physics is such a hard class.
