Monday, December 7, 2015

Blog #11 And the Leader of the Pack is...

Good morning cadets. As we discussed in class last week, your task this week is to post the name of the Leader that you chose to read about that will inspire you. Once you post the Leader's name, remember that you must also post why you selected the individual. After that, post a link to a site, video, or article that gives information about the person that you chose. Remember that the very last thing that you must do is to post a positive reinforcement pertaining to another cadet's choice.  You will have until the 2nd week in January to complete your reading and turn in your book review so make sure you get started.  You must also show me your book before you go on Holiday Vacation which is only 2 weeks away so be smart and don't get behind the power curve. I look forward to reading your works and I hope that you truly learn something new about a person that will inspire you.


  1. The leader that i choose to read about is Douglas MacArthur. I choose him because he played a big role during WW2 and post war. He lead Philippines Campaign during the war and help Japan into rebuilding the nation and forming a democratic government. He was also awarded The Medal of Honor and 7 Silver Stars and a lot more medals and awards. He is a leader that heavily inspired future soldiers and officers and was one of the highest ranking officer at the time.

    This is a wiki article of his life and his accomplishes that he made.

    Ireneusz Szymborski PD8

    1. I agree with your choice. He help a lot during the War and influenced many soldiers during his time. He was a powerful military general. I choose Picasso because I like art in general and learning him would help me know more about the topic

      Nathalie Sy PD8

  2. Aleksander Lesniak LET 2
    I chose Lech Walesa. He was the major contributing factor in bringing down the Soviet rule in Poland during the 1980`s, not only Poland but the whole Eastern Europe to be fair. He was later chosen as the President of Poland from the year 1990 to 1995. And the surprising thing is that he was a simple shipyard electrician.

    1. I agree with your leader. Lech was a important person for Poland and other small eastern Europe nations.He stand up for what he think was right. He help influence other nations to stand up for themselves and help get rid of control of USSR. He also had a part of the fall of USSR

      Ireneusz Szymborski PD8

  3. For me, my famous leader I choose is Pablo Ruiz y Picasso. I choose him because I think of him who inspired many other artists. He made some famous artworks that are still praised today. I like art and music, so I choose him cause I'm very interested in those topics.

    Nathalie Sy PD8

    1. SanI7
      I think that your choice is very interesting because I haven't seen anyone choose a leader because they inspired many artists. I like that you chose him because you like art and music. I think that it will be different to learn about them as role models since they inspired people in an artistic way.

  4. PlaC7
    The person that i chose is Babe Ruth. I chose him because even though he had parents that didn't want him he still found a way to get what he loved. His parents sent him away because he was"too much to handle" but by himself he was able to because one of the greatest baseball players ever to live.

    1. I like you chose of leader because He was a greatest baseball player. He was the first sports superstar. He was very warmhearted ,He wasn’t stuck up ,He was always seen helping out at orphanages and visiting sick children.

      Yao Liu PD 7

  5. I chose Nelson Mandela because he became the first democratically-elected president of South Africa in 1994 and served in that position for five years. He worries about world needs. He has said all countries need equality.and he always fights for human rights.

    Yao Liu PD7

    1. It is admirable that you chose Nelson Mendela as the person you want to read about
      ~Cristal ;)

  6. LozC pd5
    I chose Hillary Clinton because she is a FEMALE candidate in the presidential race of 2016 and I think she can make a difference.
    ~Cristal ;)

    1. Sand7

      Nice choice. I too picked Hillary Clinton for similar reasons

  7. Sand7

    I chose Hillary Clinton because she is a successful woman, inspiring young girls and women not only within America but across the globe. If she wins presidency, which appears to be likely due to recent poles, she will be making a very significant mark in American history and her election will emblematic of a huge step forward for not only women, but other minorities who were oppressed. It will be a huge depiction of progressiveness in the United States. Regardless of her sex, she is an accomplished individual who served as the 67th secretary of state. Hillary Clinton has been in the world of politics long enough to be adroit in her career. Her passion and drive reminds me so much of myself which is one of the reasons I picked her. I don't mind reading about prominent female figures in America today that represent progressiveness along with so much more. I remember as a child looking up at a collage of all the American presidents in my elementary school and being puzzled to why all of them are men and I wasn't sure if anyone else had noticed. Upon asking a teacher ( Ms.Smichael who I still remember) why this was, she responded that perhaps I will be the first female president. This changed my perspective on the world as a child knowing that I was capable of being on that elementary school wall as much as any of my male counterparts.This was the first experience with politics and it inaugurated my passion for politics. All of these factors, inspired me to choose Hillary Clinton. Perhaps I may not be the next female president, but I wouldn't mind someone who I consider to be likewise to me to be the next commander in chief. The next generation of school children will not have to look up at an elementary school poster of presidents and notice oddity. These are the factors that encouraged me to pick Hillary Clinton.

  8. SanI7
    The leader that I chose is Princess Diana. As I have said before, I chose her as a role model because I have heard about her before but never had the time to fully learn about her so I thought that it would be interesting to learn about someone that I haven't before. Also, because of the many things that I heard about her before made me want to learn about her.
    The link below is an article that someone posted on their opinion of why Princess Diana is their role model and I really liked it because it says that she travelled around the world to help the sick and she helped kids even though she struggled herself with an eating disorder. It also describes her as a kind and generous person:

  9. I choose Neil Armstrong as a leader i am going to read about because he inspires me to do something that nobody has ever done before.
    by Shohruh Ibragimov

  10. PadT8
    The person I chose to read about is Amelia Earhart. I want to learn more about her role as an inspiration for women entering male-dominated fields of work.

    1. Sand7
      I picked Hillary Clinton who is recognized for her work as an activist for women's rights and I think there is a similarity between the leaders we picked for being involved with the progressiveness of women.

  11. Cong7
    I picked John Lennon because i love the Beatles XD. I heard he changed the world with his music so i want to learn moire about him.

    1. DomG7
      I thought about choosing Paul McCartney because I too, enjoy music by The Beatles. I wrote an essay on their impact on music and the world freshman year for my public speaking class :).

    2. I was going to choose John Lennon but someone else in the class chose him. But i enjoy listening to John Lennon.

    3. MunV8
      I didn't think of choosing any member from the Beatles but I to enjoy listening to their music. They have created songs that have impacted us one way or another.

  12. DomG7
    I chose Robin Williams, his death had a strong impact on fans, even more so because it was a suicide. I believe that at some point in everyone's life there is a period of depression whether it be due to stress, the death of a loved one etc. Not many people knew about Robin Williams' depression- myself included. But despite this he still continued to make people laugh and smile, that is certainly something I admire. I did not know much about Robin Williams, I've seen few movies but I thought it would be interesting to learn more about him and his life.

  13. Acopd8
    I chose Oprah Winfrey , she is well known for giving stuff away and thinking of the needs of other people and her TV show , The Oprah Winfrey Show. I chose Oprah because I knew that she was religious and I wanted to learn more about her views on religion and I also liked how Oprah was selfless, she has a beautiful character.

  14. RocW Prd 8
    Their are many people that inspire me, but i wanted to choose someone who i didn't know at all because i like to learn new things and about new people. The person i did is Billie Holiday she is known as a legendary jazz singer.

  15. MunV8
    For my book review I did Walt Disney. In all honesty, I never knew that Disney was a real person but when I did I wanted to learn more about him and how he became the person he was. I wanted to know more about the person who made our childhoods the best.

  16. BarL7
    I chose to read about Rosa Parks for my book review. I chose Rosa Parks because I wanted to learn more about her and I thought she was a very inspiring and determined woman.
