Thursday, May 19, 2016

Blog #20 The Holocaust and WWII

Cadets, since we are learning about the Holocaust during WWII as well over the next couple of days, I hope you have learned something from the video in class that is a personal survivor's story.  There is the link for the story in case you did not get to complete the movie on Thursday and Friday.  Once you have viewed the video, post your thoughts here to our site and also find a Holocaust related story of your own to post to our site. Comment on your peer's work and I can't wait to see what you have accomplished while we are on our Washington D.C. trip.  Here is the video:


  1. Alex Lesniak pd8
    I think that the movie was really good. Although the two girls accompanying the survivor were really annoying.

    My story is about a Polish officer, Witold Pielicki (May 12, 1901), who volunteered to go to the camp and tell the outside world what happened there. Afterwards, he escaped and ended up helping in the Warsaw Uprising, while hiding his real rank under a fake name and a rank of recruit. His prisoner number was "4859". There is also a song about him, made be Sabaton (

    IMO he literally went through Hell and back.

    1. Adding onto what I said, after the War, the Communist government pressured the judges to send Pilecki in prison, and executing him.

  2. I find the movie to be really interesting and very educational about the Holocaust.

    Władysław Szpilman is the person I choose to write about. He was a Polish pianist and Composer that was able to Survive the Nazi Regime and the awful conditions of the Polish Ghettos. He was never sent to a camp and hided from the Nazis by hiding in the attic or in small areas behind bookshelf's or dressers. The struggle of his survival and life during WW2 is described in the Movie "The Pianist".

    Ireneusz Szymborski PD8


  4. I felt that the documentary was good in my opinion and was educational. I learned a lot more about the Holocaust than I did before.

    My person I choose to write about is Paul Celan. He was born in the Kingdom of Romania and to a Jewish family. He was a German poet and translator who was sent to the ghettos. He was later sent to a work camp after the ghettos was burned down by the Romanian Allies.

    Nathalie Sy PD8

      Sorry, I forgot to leave a link
      NS PD8

  5. Acopd8
    The documentary was honestly very educational towards the holocaust and provided more information that many might be unaware with.

    The person that I choose to write about was Eva Galler. Eva Galler survived by jumping off the train that many people died from by getting shot and ended up working in Germany as a polish girl , pretended to be catholic and was addressed under a fake name.

  6. Sand7

    I think this video is one of the saddest I've seen. It reminds of this movie i watched named The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. It was about a frienship between a young jewish boy living in a concentration camp and the young son of a nazi officer. In the wnd, both boys end up dying. and its really sad.

    1. SanI7
      I saw this movie as well, and it was a very sad movie. It was really touching just like this video.

  7. Sand7

    I think this video is one of the saddest I've seen. It reminds of this movie i watched named The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. It was about a frienship between a young jewish boy living in a concentration camp and the young son of a nazi officer. In the wnd, both boys end up dying. and its really sad.

  8. LucL7
    the movie was very helpful. i learned a lot of new stuff that i have not known before about the holocaust.
    i chose to write about Val Ginsburg. Val Ginsburg
    Val survived Kaunas ghetto and Dachau labour camp. He and wife Ibi moved to England for a new life.

  9. SanI7
    I think the Holocaust is one of the saddest events that have happened throughout history. From watching the movie I learned that people were called by numbers and not by their names in segregation camps. In a way it is surprising to hear this woman's story and that she survived the Holocaust. Also, it is interesting how a gypsy had told her she would survive.
    The website below are stories of different survivors:
