Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Blog #22 The Vietnam War, the Wall and the 58,286 names that are there.

Since we are studying the Vietnam Conflict/War and visiting Washington D.C., it is only fitting that you should research at least one of the names listed on the wall and give a brief synopsis of their story.  You can post a rubbing of their name as a JPG Graphic to our blog as well and hopefully this will put into perspective just how many soldiers lost their lives in South Vietnam. Yes, there were women that were killed there as well so you female cadets can search for one of them if you would like. You can also search to see if someone with your last name died there as well.  This is a tough task and can be sad for some but do your best to honor at least one individual that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  Comment on at least one of your peer's work and I look forward to see whom you have chose.  Here is the link where you can search for names on the Wall in Washington: Vietnam Memorial Wall Search . Regards and here is my person, a friend of mine from High School, Rex Thornley.


PFC - E2 - Marine Corps - Regular

Length of service 0 years
His tour began on Mar 3, 1970
Casualty was on Jun 11, 1970
Body was recovered

Panel 09W - Line 4

Term Project Worksheet 2016   Term Project Worksheet 2016 Word Doc

Click on the above links and you can download the PDF File or word document to work on your Movie Reviews.  Good luck and I look forward to seeing some great work for your final project.


  1. LucL7
    I Chose Alberto a Lucero. Length of service 6 years His tour began on Dec 30, 1965 Casualty was on Mar 4, 1966 In , SOUTH VIETNAM HOSTILE, GROUND CASUALTY GUN, SMALL ARMS FIRE ,Body was recovered"

    1. DomG7
      I also chose someone based on if they had the same last name as me :). However, the person I chose only served a year before he died, the person you chose served five years more, he must've been a good soldier.

  2. The person that I selected is Private First Class James Patrick Mrazik. James Patrick Mrazik served in the Army as a Selective Service. Serving in the Army less than a year. His tour started on Saturday July 13, 1968 and his cast date was on Thursday October 24 of the same year. This body was recovered. PFC James Patrick Mazik's name is found on 40W Line 029.

  3. DomG7
    I chose PFC Ernesto Dominguez. Needless to say I chose him because we have the same last name, there were several soldiers with this last name, but I chose him because it is actually one of my family member's names. He only served for one year, his tour began on May 17, 1966 and he died on June 6, 1966 in South Vietnam. His body was recovered and can be found on Panel 08E - Line 15.

  4. PlaC7
    I tried to find someone with the same last name as me that was in the Vietnam War but i wasn't able to find anyone. So I tried to find someone that at least came from New York. The person i chose was Sergeant First Class Dominick Sansone. I chose him because he came from where i live and out of all the other soldiers from New York he was the highest ranking soldier. As it states his specialty was "infantry (special forces qual)". The date of his tour was not recorded. He died 34 years old on December 10th, 1964. His body was not recovered immediately but was found later on. You can find his information on http://www.virtualwall.org/ds/SansoneDx01a.htm
