Monday, October 22, 2012

Blog #5 Thinking outside the box, cardboard box that is...

Good day cadets and welcome back to your second marking period. This week I was lucky to come across and innovative idea that could revolutionize travel in busy cities and 3rd world countries.  I would like for your to watch this video and provide your comments. You next task to find an new groundbreaking idea that you feel is similar to this video that will help improve our future. These types of advances are made by true leaders in the field of discovery and invention. I look forward to your selections and can't wait to see what you bring to our blog for everyone to see. Remember to also comment on your peer's work as well.  Good luck and I hope you like the video, here it is. Did I mention that the price for the bike will be $20.00?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog #4 Presidential Candidates and Health Care Reform

Welcome back Cadets. I hope you had a great weekend and are up to your task this week.  Since we are studying First-Aid and how to save a person life, your task this week is look at your Presidential Candidate and post what their ideas are on Health Care for the people of the United States. Remember to post the URL for the site that you use to support your facts. Give a brief synopsis of the position and why you think that it is the right one for the american public. And last but not least, remember to comment on your peer's work. As always, you are doing such a great job, I am having to keep on my toes to challenge you. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the Presidential Debate this Tuesday evening at Hofstra University. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Blog #3 Presidential Debates and Half Truths

Welcome back Cadets.  Your task this week is to analyse last week's Presidential
Debate between President Obama and Governor Romney.  You must select your
Presidential candidate,  research and post your opponent's half truth that they 
tried to sway the public with during the debate.  Remember, that you must post 
the URL where you obtained your information that supports your fact and also
comment on another cadet's work.  The final part of this research is to do the 
exact same thing for the Vice-Presidential Debate this Thursday evening. 
Good luck and here is one of the statements that I found what was a half truth:

"Romney Fact Check #1: Health Care Costs Rose $2,500 per Family

Under Obama — 9:41 p.m.: Governor Romney:  Health care costs have 
up by $2500 a family. As we reported in March, the average cost of 
a family 
policy rose by $1,300 between 2010 and 2011, according to the 
(Even if you include the year before 
— so 2009 to 2011 — the increase 
was $1,700, not $2,500.)

Make sure that you use other sources besides the one that I have listed about
and good luck with this assignment.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Blog #2 Should You need a State Issued I.D. in order to vote?

Good morning cadets and I hope you are up to the task at hand today. Today you are being ask your opinion on whether or not you should have to have a state issued I.D. in order to vote.  What ever your opinion is, you must back up your opinion with valid research material online to support your position.  Keep in mind that at least 14 states have already enacted this law for the upcoming election.  Do you think that this is fair?  Keep your opinions clear and don't be afraid to stand your ground. Let your fellow students and the world know where you stand on this issue.
Post your URL for support of your opinion on our blog and also comment on your peer's work.  Good luck and I look forward to reading your responses.