Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blog #20 How to get your kid into a Service Academy

Cadets, share the bottom link with your friends and family if you are
seriously interested in applying to one of the Service Academy's. The
story is great and so is the information, it will open your eyes to the
possibilities that are available to you. Good luck and I hope that
you find this information useful.

Service Academy (How To)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blog #19 Bonus Calorie Information

Again, with Mayor Bloomberg, his worry is about the soda that our
citizens consume but I guess he isn't worried about the issue of false
calorie counts at restaurants.  Watch the following video and post
your opinions and comments. Also find other links or URL's to show
more information about calories.  Good luck and I hope that you are
getting wise to the information that is being passed around.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Blog #18 Sugary sweet sodas or Trans Fat laden chips and cookies

Hi again cadets. While we are studying our Health Section in JROTC, we have learned about the choices that we have to make on a daily basis to maintain our proper weight so that we remain healthy.  For  those of you that are aware of Mayor Bloomberg's Soda ban in NYC, you know that sodas and beverages over 16 ounces cannot be sold in restaurants that sell or deliver food.  This law goes into effect on the 16th of March.
Your task this week is to analyze common food items that can be purchased in businesses and schools and determine which ones are worse for your overall health.  Is it the sugary sweet sodas or the trans fat laden cookies and chips.  The choice is yours to decide. Should the government be involved in restricting what you eat and drink?  Post your data and information along with your opinion on our site. Remember to post your URL for your site that you obtain your facts from and also a brief synopsis. Once you have completed this task, your last part is to comment on other student's work. Good luck and sound off so that your neighbors and local government can hear you.  Here is a small video to get you started.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blog #17 Health issues and Eating Disorders

Good day cadets.  As we learn more about health, we find out that there are more issues that come into play with our body than just losing weight.  Weight loss can become an obsession or a disease.  My post today is about Karen Carpenter.  She was a fabulous voice of the Carpenters Duo and have numerous hits during the 70's but unfortunately she was stricken with Anorexia as a young adult and because of this, her body was ravaged by the weight loss and it took her life due to health issues.  Here is an article on NPR that highlights her story both medically and musically.  I hope you enjoy this story and learn from her issues and mistakes. Please post your own article or story that is related to a person of interest in the news that is health related. Be sure to give a brief synopsis as always and comment on other cadet's work.  Good luck and I hope you learn more about these diseases.
NPR Link:  Karen Carpenter NPR Link
In addition the above link, here is the audio portion as well:  Karen Carpenter NPR Audio Link and last but not least, here is a video off of Youtube to enjoy.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Blog #16 Your health, eating late at night and other old wive's tales

Good Morning Cadets.

    I hope that you had a great weekend and survived the Super Bowl without any problems.  As we are going into our health phase of JROTC, this weeks assignment is to find out what truths and mis-truths there are out there regarding weight loss and gain.  We have all been told that we shouldn't eat late at night and recently there was a study that stated that it didn't matter when you eat as long as you controlled the amount that you eat. Well, according to this newest study, it does matter and you shouldn't eat after a specific time.  Watch the video, listen to it, or read and respond with your comments.  You must also find a story or website that debunks myths about weight loss and your health.  As always, remember to comment on your peer's work and post your URL/document to our website for others to read.  Here is your story:
NPR Weight Loss Study and here is the listening segment for you auditory learners: NPR Audio Weight Loss