Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Blog #9 Thanksgiving and what you have to be thankful?

Here we are at the end of the 2nd Marking Period and it is hard to believe how quickly the time has flown.  As it is Thanksgiving, I want to give thanks for all of the great things that I have in my life.  From my wonderful wife, daughter, grand-kids, and other family members to my job and good health.  All of these things help make my life happier every single day. Here is a video that I really like that demonstrates my feelings very well.   

Make sure that you post a video and comment on your peers work as well. Enjoy the weekend and don't eat to much turkey tomorrow.  Be safe, stay warm and I'll see all of you back at school on Monday.

Blog #8 Honesty & Integrity, what a great story...

Hi and Happy Thanksgiving this week Cadets.  This week is a two-fer as you have to assignments to catch up on since we have a short week. This first one is easy and fun to do since it deals with Personal Character.  One of the 6 C's of a leader. The following story is about an honest person in New Orleans that finds $240,000 on the roadside in a bin and turns in back in.  Hope you enjoy the story.  Your task to find similar stories of honesty, courage, character, candor, commitment, and post one of those stories to this site. As usual, your task is to give a brief synopsis of the story and to also comment on your peers work. Remember to do all 3 actions to get your full credit for your work.  Have fun and don't eat to much turkey this week.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blog #7 Leadership VS Management and who is your favorite Leader?

Thanks for your video posting for your Veterans Day Tribute. I found them moving and well worth the time to watch.  For those who did not contribute, I am sorry that you didn't feel that you needed to post a thank you for those that fought to protect your freedom and defend your rights.  Your task this week is to select an individual from our society within the past 100 years that was influential in their work and had a major impact on our society today.  Remember, this should be someone that you admire and also someone that you know will be remembered for their contributions to society.  Here is my leader that I feel had a major impact on our society as a whole.  That person is Albert Einstein.  Without his scientific work and defection to the United States during WWII, we would not have known about Hitler's attempt to create a Nazi Atomic Bomb.  Here is the URL and site about Albert Einstein.  Albert Einstein Website

Monday, November 11, 2013

Blog #6 Veterans Day and I thank each and every one of you

Hi again Cadets.  As we prepare for our participation in the Annual NYC Veterans Day Parade in Manhattan, I thought that it would be a great time for you to post your thanks and video tributes to those men and women that have fought to keep us free all of these years.  Remember that if you create your own video and post it to You-Tube you will get extra credit.  Make sure that you post your own thank you in your personal message.  Add your Video Link to out site and comment on at least one of your Peer's work. Good luck and I hope you enjoy this lesson for this week.  Remember also cadets that there are only 2 weeks left for the canned food drive for the needy and that we are moving forward with the Holiday Social planning as well.
I almost forgot, I want to thank all of my fellow soldiers that served with me from 1971 to 1995. Without your support, guidance and sacrifice, I would not be where I am today in my life.  Your courage and commitment is beyond reproach and I salute each and every one of you.  I serve for the memory of my Dad that taught me what being an American is all about.
Here it the video that I chose as my selection:  

Friday, November 8, 2013

Blog #5 Sometimes Bullying never stops...

Hi again cadets and great work on the last assignment.  Since we have been discussing bullying, I am sure that you along with most sports fans in America are aware of this story.  Read the following NPR story and post your comments.  Once you have done that, you are required to search out a recent news related article or video on "Bullying" and post it to our site with the proper URL. Make sure you explain why you chose your video and also post a comment on at least one of your peer's work.  Here is the NPR article about the Miami Dolphins' story.  Sports Bullying in Miami