Friday, May 8, 2015

Blog #23 How does this video affect you?

Good morning Cadets.  Here is a video that takes little time to watch but has illicited a large amount of responses.  I don't want you to respond to the YouTube site but post your feelings here on our blog site.  If you agree, post your response, if you disagree, post your response.  Once you have done so, response to at least one of your peer's work and then post a video/URL for a website that supports your response. Good luck and I look forward to reading your responses.  Here is the video:


  1. LinK8
    Honestly this kind of act doesn't affect me at all, the US is one of the only countries in the world that sees this kind of thing as offensive and get up in arms about it. Terrorists, anti-americans etc. often desecrate the American flag because they know it will offend us because it is a weakness. When you look at people trying to express hate on most European country they rarely involve flag burning because they couldn't care less about a colored piece of cloth. And it's not because they don't like their country or care about their country, it's because the symbol as an idea matters more than just some cheap physical image of that symbol. And I feel like Americans should do the same thing so others can't use it as a way to exploit our weaknesses. In short I do not agree nor disagree with the woman's actions. My exact response to what she says is very biased and I have sort of a mixed thinking on the subject of the video.
    For the URL above look at the comments of people who voted no and see why almost half of all Americans say what they said.

  2. JiangJ7
    What this woman did in this video was a sign of disrespect to our country and those who have fought it. We, as U.S. citizens, doesn't seem to appreciate what our country has done for us and we continue to harm it by causing riots for no reason and starting wars with other countries, making them hate us, thinking that all U.S. is interested in is war. Many people would think that its just a piece of cloth and its just a rag that symbolizes our country, but what they dont understand is the history of the flag and why it is really important to all of us that are living in the United States. During World War 2, the battle of Iwa Jima, 5 United States Marines and a United States Navy corpsman, trying their best to raise our flag high up in the air, showing dominance and our soldiers' willpower that we wont give up very easily and we will continue to fight for our country. This woman in the video is the reason why many of us hate the African Americans because they are saying we treat them in a certain way because we are racist and im saying we, because we are Americans in general and the riots in Baltimore is a great example of how African Americans causes a great destruction over a person's death which have nothing to do with them. They just want attention just like this woman in the video and stepping on the U.S. flag is a great insult to our soldiers that fought for our country.
    i think we saw this video in 1SG class, but this video shows how many people in this country disrespects our country and many citizens doesn't try to stop him until 2 Marines rescues the flag.

  3. GuivesesZ8

    Considering that the woman even takes pride in doing such a vile act, I disagree with her standpoint but agree that the video should be shown to potential employers. There are men and women who have fought for her right to simply be breathing and living as she is now, and that is symbolized by the American flag. To have her showcase such disrespect without retributions would only establish that her behavior is acceptable. Freedom of speech does not denote freedom of consequence. Her ungratefulness and contempt for the country that honed her should be exposed to everyone to let them be aware of her crooked mindset. She is not expected to agree with every factor that defines the nation, but to display dissension by stepping on the flag is an absolute atrocity.

  4. YangZ8

    What this women is doing is disrespectful to the extreme level because she did not just put the u.s. flag on the floor but she also stepped on the flag. i disagree with this woman because she says that America does not grant he freedom, it might just be that the freedom that she wants is more than it should be. she is brave to stand up saying that she did not receive the freedom that she should but there are always other ways to express this. she should never use this way to express her disliking of America. she disrespected more than the flag of the U.S but also everyone who fought to protect our country and work their butts off on keeping our flags up and flying.

    1. yangz8

    2. YangC8
      I agree with you because she should have thought of another idea that wasn't so immature to make her point across to us.

  5. YangC8
    I disagree with this young lady because she is disrespecting those who sacrificed everything to serve for our country. She is being ignorant and irrational. I think what she did is just stupidity, why anger many Americans out there who believe America is their only hope of a better life. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers die each day serving to protect our country and this is what she is doing? Bad mouthing our flag is one thing, but to step and humiliate our flag, she has gone too far. She should reconsider her actions.

  6. What this women has done takes it to an other level of disrespect. If she had the nerve to post this video online well then shame on her because we have solider every day fighting for our freedom. If thats really what she thinks then she should get out of this country. Everyday men and women die to give us freedom and for her to do that is such a disappoint meant. To know that there are people like this in the world sadness me. "Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it, It flies with the last breath of each solider who died protecting it." I found this quote on Instagram as I was scrolling down and I thought it was a perfect for this situation.


      I entirely agree with you about the disrespect issue, there was no need for her to express herself in such a way.


    I disagree with her, but I do understand where she is coming from. Many Americans are poor, unhappy, unprivileged, and suffering every day. There are thousands that beg for money and food, fail to get a job, or cannot afford to send their children to college. However, her action in this video was disrespectful, cruel, wrong, and immoral. The American flag is a symbol of freedom, courage, and a reminder of the brave soldiers who lay down their lives every day to protect us. Perhaps that woman is suffering, and feels the need to blame America for it. But what she most likely remains ignorant of is the fact that without America, the land of the free and home of the brave, her situation would be much much worse. No matter the issues or problems at home, the hardships endured by soldiers should not be disrespected, and the American flag should never be disgraced in this way. That lady should have found a much more respectful way to share her anger, perhaps as how the video linked below did.

    1. I 100% agree with you. Many people don't realize how privileged they are here in the u.s. until they lose what they have.

  8. TorresF
    What this lady did was absolutely disrespectful. It is just cold and harsh. Millions of men and woman have died so that us Americans Could be free. Adilia has a good point. it Is very true that many people are underprivileged her such as being homeless or jobless. However everyone is given an opportunity it is up to the person to take it. Many people who don't have a job is because they haven't completed high school or at least 2 year7s of college. things are only getting worse therefor people should take advantage of everything they are offered. In other countries this woman would have been killed because woman don't have any sense of power. This lady could have found another way to share her feelings towards this issue. People must think before they do. It just shows how ungrateful she is.

    1. this-protester-thought-he-could-disrespect-the-american-flagthen-a-u-s-veteran-showed-up
