Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Blog #22 The Vietnam War, the Wall and the 58,286 names that are there.

Since we are studying the Vietnam Conflict/War and visiting Washington D.C., it is only fitting that you should research at least one of the names listed on the wall and give a brief synopsis of their story.  You can post a rubbing of their name as a JPG Graphic to our blog as well and hopefully this will put into perspective just how many soldiers lost their lives in South Vietnam. Yes, there were women that were killed there as well so you female cadets can search for one of them if you would like. You can also search to see if someone with your last name died there as well.  This is a tough task and can be sad for some but do your best to honor at least one individual that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  Comment on at least one of your peer's work and I look forward to see whom you have chose.  Here is the link where you can search for names on the Wall in Washington: Vietnam Memorial Wall Search . Regards and here is my person, a friend of mine from High School, Rex Thornley.


PFC - E2 - Marine Corps - Regular

Length of service 0 years
His tour began on Mar 3, 1970
Casualty was on Jun 11, 1970
Body was recovered

Panel 09W - Line 4

Term Project Worksheet 2016   Term Project Worksheet 2016 Word Doc

Click on the above links and you can download the PDF File or word document to work on your Movie Reviews.  Good luck and I look forward to seeing some great work for your final project.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Blog #21 Memorial Day is more that just a day to party and BBQ!

Happy Monday cadets and it is one week before Memorial Day. I hope that you are enjoying your new awards that you received over the past few weeks.  Your task this week is to post a video or story that pays tribute to a Veteran that you know or to Veterans that you don't in support of their sacrifices that they made for America.  Post your information to our site and comment on at least one of your peer's work and as usual, you will be rewarded with an excellent grade for your work.  The following is one of my all time favorite Memorial Day Videos. I hope that you enjoy it and I look forward to watching your choices as well.  Good luck and I hope you have fun with this topic this week.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Blog #20 The Holocaust and WWII

Cadets, since we are learning about the Holocaust during WWII as well over the next couple of days, I hope you have learned something from the video in class that is a personal survivor's story.  There is the link for the story in case you did not get to complete the movie on Thursday and Friday.  Once you have viewed the video, post your thoughts here to our site and also find a Holocaust related story of your own to post to our site. Comment on your peer's work and I can't wait to see what you have accomplished while we are on our Washington D.C. trip.  Here is the video:

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Blog #19 Your Vietnam War Movie Term Project


    Your work this week is to post the name of your Vietnam War Movie that you selected for your term project and to explain the reasons why you chose the movie.  You can list your movie and basic information about the movie. Remember that you must watch the movie and fill out the Term Project Worksheet just like you did with your Book review.  You'll get the date when your movie is due this next week when we return to class.  As always, remember to watch your movie the first time for your own enjoyment and the second and third time for your required work.  Good luck and I hope you enjoy this assignment.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Blog #18 All of this and WWII

Good morning Cadets. 

     I hope that you are enjoying your time off this week. Your work for this week is to post an article or news story related to the United Nations or a world news event that affects the United States. Remember that you must post your url for your video and comment on at least one of your peer's work.  Once you have done this, you will be finished.  You can also get extra credit by making a poster for the classroom that is a collage of Cold War events.  Good luck again and I look forward to seeing your works. Remember that we are in the last semester and you also have your performance final at the end of May to practice.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Blog #17 Nuclear Bombs and Just How Many is Enough?

Cadets, since we are starting to study the end of WWII and the start of the Cold War, we know that the US used 2 atomic bombs on Japan to end the war.  We also know that Germany was working on one but was set back by countless acts of espionage. Today, it seems like every country in the world seems to have an atomic weapon of some sort and the Doomsday clock is clicking ever closer to 12 Midnight.  Your task this week is to find a country that you are surprised that has Atomic Weapons and post their information to our site. The more accurate information with your post, the better your score will be. You know the routine about posting your URL for the video or web-site to our blog and also commenting on at least one of your peer's work. Once you have done all 3 of these things, you will be finished for this week. Good luck and good hunting for your information this week.

Here is the site to download the Cold War Workbook that we are using in class so that you don't have to worry about carrying anything home.

Cold War Textbook Documents

Monday, February 29, 2016

Blog #16 And the Academy Award goes to .... for best Drug Class Presentation

Cadets, this assignment is short sweet and simple. All you have to do is post the Drug Class that you learned the most from and found the most interesting.  Be objective and don't just list a class that your friend taught.  You can't select yourself so you must be realistic with your choice as well. Good luck and as this is an opinion, you should be able to support your selection with evidence.  I look forward to seeing your work as always. Make sure to comment on at least one of your peer's work and giving a URL for a video will enhance your choice as well.  See you in class.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Blog #15 Drug Class and lessons learned

Good Morning cadets. Since we are working on presenting your drug classes, you task this week is to post what new information you learned about the drug that you are teaching.  Find a video or website that you used for your work and post it to our blog site.  Remember to post your synopsis of your site and to comment at least one of your peer's work. Once you have done this, you will be eligible for your grade. Good luck and I look forward to your work and presentations.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Blog #14 Happy New Year and wishing everyone a great year ahead

Good morning cadets and welcome to 2016.  I hope you had a great holiday and are ready to get back to school.  You task this week is to post what your New Years Resolution is for 2016.  Some people feel pressured to make them and some make them and break them just as fast.  So put up your resolution/goal for 2016 along with a video or website url that supports your resolution.  Remember to comment on at least one of your peers and you will be done.  Don't forget to finish your Leader Book Review for your term project as well and we are another week closer to being finished with your First Semester of JROTC as a LET2.  My New Years Resolution is to curb my sweet tooth and to use my time more wisely.  Only time will tell but I feel motivated to make this happen so you can ask me how things are going once in a while in class.