Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Blog #13 Term Project Worksheet fresh off the press

Happy holidays cadets and I hope you are enjoying your time off from school. Here is the worksheet that I promised you that you can download with all of the Term Project questions that must be answered. Make sure that you follow the directions and you will be able to do well on this work. Your task is to post at least one fact about the person you are reading about now that you didn't know and explain why this person interests you. Add an website URL for facts about your person and comment on at least one of your peer's work and you are done for the count. Good luck, have fun and remember to read a book...

Blog #12 Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all...

Good morning cadets and I hope you are enjoying your time off from school. As we are celebrating during the holidays keep in mind that there are many other ethnic groups in our society that may not celebrate the holiday that you celebrate. So in keeping with the spirit of the season, please post to our site what holiday you celebrate at this time of year and what you have to be thankful for.  If you do not celebrate a holiday, then only post what you have to be thankful for.  Post a link for your holiday and a video would be great as well.  Comment on your peer's work and you are done, easy peasy and you won't have to spend a lot of time with this one.  I celebrate Christmas every year because that is the way I was raised in my family. I am thankful for my health and my family and blessed because all of my California family is visiting us for the holidays. One of my best presents ever. I am also very fortunate to have a great bunch of cadets/students that keep each and every day interesting at school. Thanks for letting me be a part of your future. Regards and have a Happy Holidays to each and every one of you.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Blog #11 And the Leader of the Pack is...

Good morning cadets. As we discussed in class last week, your task this week is to post the name of the Leader that you chose to read about that will inspire you. Once you post the Leader's name, remember that you must also post why you selected the individual. After that, post a link to a site, video, or article that gives information about the person that you chose. Remember that the very last thing that you must do is to post a positive reinforcement pertaining to another cadet's choice.  You will have until the 2nd week in January to complete your reading and turn in your book review so make sure you get started.  You must also show me your book before you go on Holiday Vacation which is only 2 weeks away so be smart and don't get behind the power curve. I look forward to reading your works and I hope that you truly learn something new about a person that will inspire you.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Blog #10 Leaders gotta lead so readers gotta read, followers should become better leaders.

Since we are reading about leadership and management, your task this week should be a relatively easy one. You must select a leader from the 20th or 21st Century that is a positive role model and read an autobiography or biography about that person. Below is a list of possible selections but they are not the only ones to choose from. You must select your person, then find a web-site about the individual and post the URL back to our blog and you must then explain why you chose that person. The last thing that you must do is to comment on at least one other cadet's work. Remember that leaders come in all shapes and sizes and also from all areas and walks of life, not just from the military or politics. Anyone that has had a profound positive effect on society as a whole is up for grabs. Don't forget that there are 4 parts to this assignment and the you must complete all 4 parts to get your full credit for this homework assignment. See the list that follows for ideas and remember that if you can't find your book right away, you must select a different leader as quickly as possible. Your book must also be at least 100 pages in length.

Blog #9 Thanksgiving and giving thanks, where thanks is due.

Good morning cadets. Your task this week is to post reasons why you are thankful during this time of year in advance of the Thanksgiving Holiday.  As usual, post a story or video that supports your point of view and lastly remember to post feedback on at least one of your peer's work.  I will start this off with my reasons for being thankful.

I am thankful for living in a country that guarantees I have Freedom of Speech. I am also thankful for my health, family, abilty to work, grand-kids, and mostly my loving wife whom has supported me through thick and thin.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Blog #8 Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...but close the door on Syrians?

Good morning cadets. As we began to discuss in class last week, your task this week is to post your opinions, either pro or con on whether the United States should continue with bringing in Syrian Refugees after the wave of terrorist attacks around the world in the past two weeks.  You must listen/read the NPR news article to get a better understanding on how the Syrians will be allowed to come to the U.S. Once you have done this, post your personal opinion and use an article from a reliable source/video to support your believe. Good luck and remember to post positive feedback on at least one of your peer's work.  Good luck and make sure we keep this a friendly, spirited assignment.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blog #7 The Constitution and the Bill of RIghts 6-10, which Amendment will you choose?

Your task this week is to find a story or news related article that is covered by the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, or 10th Amendment.  You must explain the Amendment which is the 2nd part of the Bill of Rights and how it pertains to your story.  Once you have done this, remember at least one postiive comment on your peer's work.  I look forward to reading your stories/videos. Regards and good luck. I hope you can figure out which Amendment this violates.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Blog #6 Honoring our Veteran's on Veterans Day!

Good Morning Cadets. Your task this week is to find a thoughtful video on YouTube that is a tribute to Veterans and post the link to our website.  Remember to post your own personal thanks to Veterans for their sacrifices and explain why you chose your video.  Lastly you must comment on at least one of your peer's work/post.  Once you have done all three of these requirements you will be eligible for a possible 100 points for your work. Remember that you only get credit for your video if you post it before someone else does.  Here is my video and I look forward to watching yours. I chose this one because of the music and the great work that salutes all of our Veterans, including those that went into space. Yes, they were in the military too.  I hope you like this one.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Blog #5 We The People, the first 5 Amendments to the Constitution and the Election

Good morning and welcome to the study of our Constitution and our government. As we have discusssed already, the Preamble to the Constituion is an amazing start to what is the longest living document to govern a single country. Your task this week is to select one of the first 5 Amendments to the constitution and post why you think that it is important.  You must then find a reliable/confirmable News source story that is related to the Amendment of your choice and post the url/video while explaining how it is related to the Amendment of your selection. Lastly, you must post if you think this Amendment will be a factor in the upcoming election of 2016.  Once you have posted all three elements remember your positive comments/critiques relating to at least one of your peer's work. You can post to more that one so don't be shy, remember to help your peer's confidence. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your work.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Blog #4 Republican Presidential Debate this week.

Cadets, this is a little extra work for this week to make sure that you keep up with the Presidential Race that is starting to heat up on both sides.  This Wednesday evening is the 3rd Republican Debate and as there will be less candidates, hopefully they will get into more in depth answers to the questions that they are asked. Watch the debate on CNN and post which candidate you think won overall. Support your opinion with at least 2 facts that support their debate information and comment on at least one of your peer's opinions as well. I realize that most of you are not Republicans but remember, to win a war against your adversary you must know your opponent very well. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your results.

Remember to do your Key Terms from page 168 in your Text Book as well on Citizen Action Groups. This is due on Thursday, the 29th of October, the day of the Halloween Howl Dance for JROTC.

LET2 Text Book JROTC Part1          LET2 Text Book JROTC Part2

Blog #3 Citizen Action Groups and your community

Good day cadets. Since we are studying about Citizen Action Groups, your task this week is to work with your students and come up with an idea that will improve the Class, School, or Community. Remember that when you come up with a problem, you always try to bring a solution to the problem to your leaders. Search for internet/magazines articles that are related to your issue and post their link to our site.  Once you posted your results: ideas, solutions and video or article, remember to post a positive comment on at least one of your peer's work. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your work this week.
Listed below is the LEAD Game PDF File that you can download to study of you are a member of the Knowledge Bowl Team. Good luck and have fun.


Monday, October 12, 2015

Blog #2 The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth?

The first Democratic Debate has been held and there was a lot of talk from both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders about Gun Control and how the Gun Companies should be held accountable for injuries to the victims and their families that are caused by their guns. The statement was made that "Gun Companies" are the only industry that is not accountable for their misuse of the items that they produce.  Read the following "Fact Check" from NPR and see if this is true. Post your own point of view and see what can be done to assist and help move our country to a better way of gun management.  Post your link/url/article to our site and comment on your peer's work along with your own opinion and you will have completed your work for this week..

NPR Article Link

Monday, September 28, 2015

Blog #1 2015 Goals and How to Achieve Them for LET2's

Welcome back to Tiger Battalion JROTC.  Your homework this week is an easy task. You must list 3 goals that you will/have set for yourself this year and explain why you chose those 3. Once you have posted them, you need to post a URL for a video or website that helps support your goal. The last thing that you must do is to comment in a positive manner regarding one of your peer's goals. Once you have completed all 3 tasks you will be elligable for a complete grade.  I look forward to reading your posts. Here is my video link from YouTube to show you what one of my goals are this year:  Music & The Brain

Friday, May 29, 2015

Blog #27 Vietnam War Term Project

Cadets, here is your term project for the end of this semester. Your movie has already been selected by yourself and you should have watched it at least once by now.  All you have to do now is download one of the forms, either in MS Doc or in PDF, print out the outline and start your work. Remember that you have until the 8th of June to complete your work.  Here are your two downloadable documents.  Good luck and I look forward to reading about your movie experience. Please post your name and movie again to show that you have downloaded the Project Worksheet!

Vietnam War Term Project MS Doc

Vietnam War Term Project PDF File

Friday, May 22, 2015

Blog #26 Saluting those that served our country with honor and valor

Good morning cadets. We are in the process of celebrating Memorial Day this coming Monday so your task this week is to honor those individuals that have fought for and served our country, most have paid the ultimate sacrifice. You must post a video to our site that honors the memory of our valiant service members and write about your feelings towards those individual's sacrifices. You may also post a story or a poem that reflects their courage. If you create your own video and post it to YouTube and then to our site, you will get double credit for your work this week. Remember that the last thing that you have to do is to post a comment on at least one of your peer's works. Thank you so much for taking the time to display your caring for these individuals.  Here is a video that I feel is very fitting for this week.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Blog #25 Drugs and their effects on people.

Good Morning Cadets.  You lesson for today is to write two paragraphs on one of the other classes that was presented about a drug in JROTC by one of your Peer's groups. You must post your work to this site while you are in class and then post a link about the Drug to our site as well. You can post a video from YouTube or any other site that you find. Remember that this information must be factual. You must also comment on one of your Peer's works.

Part II:  You must go to the following site and create a Wordle.  If you have never gone there, here is the link:  Image Chef   All you have to do is type in all of the words that you heard during various drug classes and generate an Image.  Download the graphic and post it to your site of generate a link for your Wordle and post it back to this blog as well. Good luck and have fun.  See you in the office and classroom. Here is what mine looked like.

ImageChef Word Mosaic -

Friday, May 8, 2015

Blog #23 How does this video affect you?

Good morning Cadets.  Here is a video that takes little time to watch but has illicited a large amount of responses.  I don't want you to respond to the YouTube site but post your feelings here on our blog site.  If you agree, post your response, if you disagree, post your response.  Once you have done so, response to at least one of your peer's work and then post a video/URL for a website that supports your response. Good luck and I look forward to reading your responses.  Here is the video:

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Blog #24.1 Military Might and the Vietnam War

Since we are nearing the home stretch for JROTC as LET2's you need to know about your term project so here it is. We are going to be studying the Cold War; the Korean Confict; and the Vietnam Conflict this coming marking period so your term project will revolve around movies and learning from a video You assignment is an easy one as you will see from the following list.  You first must select a movie about the Vietnam Confict and watch the movie.  Once for pleasure and the second time to fill in your movie review term project paperwork. Once you have completed this you will be on your way to passing LET2 as long as you have passed all of your other requirements.

Here are a few of the Vietnam War movies that are available to watch online or downloadable from various sources. Remember to post your 3 choices and you must explain why you want to watch at least two of the movies. Post a URL for the movies and also comment on other Cadet's work. Good luck and I hope that you are one of the lucky ones to post first in your class.

Movie Name                                                    Movie Name                               

84 Charlie MoPic - 1989                               Platoon Leader - 1988
A Bright Shining Lie - 1998                           Rescue Dawn - 2006
A Yank in Vietnam - 1964                             The Anderson Platoon - 1967
Apocalypse Now - 1979                                The Deer Hunter - 1978
Bat 21 - 1988                                                The Green Berets - 1968
Born on the 4th of July - 198                        The Hanoi Hilton - 1887
Casualties of War - 1989                             The Iron Triangle - 1989
Coming Home - 1978                                   The Odd Angry Shot - 1979
Faith of My Fathers - 200                             The Siege of Firebase Gloria -1989
Full Metal Jacket - 1987                               The Walking Dead - 1995
Go Tell The Spartans - 197                          Tunnel Rats - 2008
Good Morning Vietnam - 1987                     Under Heavy Fire - 2001
Hamburger Hill - 1987                                  We Were Soldiers - 2002
Heaven and Earth - 1993     
Platoon - 1986     

Select at least 3 movies that you want to choose from and post your responses back our blog. Once you have done so, explain why you chose at least two of the movies. After that, you must then find a Video Clip to post about your movie and post it back to our blog. Remember, you need 3 Movies so that in case someone else in your class get's the movie you wanted, you still have two more to fall back on.  I expect all students to have posted their work by the end of their 7th and 8th period classes. You will make your final selections on Friday when I return to the classroom.  

Monday, May 4, 2015

Blog #22 What is your take on this situation?

Good Morning Cadets.  Your task this week is to Read/Listen to the following link and post your opinion about the article. Do you agree with the article or do you disagree. Either way, you must post your opinions, comment on at least one of your peer's work and lastly post a URL Link, Video or news related story that supports your opinion. We've talked about this issue in class some so you should be aware of some of this information already. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your responses. Here is your link:  NPR Story Baltimore

Monday, April 13, 2015

Blog #21 Drugs are everywhere, what drug are you teaching about?

Good Morning Cadets. You have already received your Google.Doc for your Group Drug Presentations so now that you have sellected your drug, you must post your Drug that you chose to our site, post a URL/Video about your drug as well as 3 facts.  Once you have posted your information, remember to post a positive comment on at least one of your peer's work. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your work in class this next week.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Blog #20 Your clock is ticking and so is your body

Good morning Cadets. We are finishing our Health module and have just sprung forward with our clocks so it's time to see what type of effect that has on our bodies. The following story is from research that tells of the effects of your body clock and what it does to all parts of our body. Your task is to read/list to the story and after your work, post a brief synopsis of the story along with 3 Bullet Facts / statements from the story that you did not know. Along with that, you must also post a video/story from the Internet about the effects of time on your body and lastly you must also comment on at least one of your peer's work.  Good luck and I hope that you like this story. Here is your link:  NPR Your internal body clock

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Blog #18 How do you pay it forward?

I am glad to see that you have enjoyed the video. I see that you all have a great way of helping others but what type of an idea do you have for "Paying It Forward"? What can you do to make a difference for someone in the future? Rethink the video and post your response along with a Story/Video that depicts a person helping another person and make sure to post your comments on at least one of your peer's work. Good job so far and keep the great work going.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Blog #17 Command Inspection Reflection

Hi again cadets. You did a great job on the first half of our Gold Star Inspection this week. Out of 100 possible points, your team effort scored a 98 so that is really awesome.  Your task this week is to post a "Reflection" on our site about how you feel about passing the inspection.  Your reflection must be at least one full paragraph with at least 5 sentences. If you write more, then you will gain extra credit. Once you have posted your reflection, make sure that you post any Positive Video that you want to our site. Remember to comment on your peer's work and you will be finished for this week. Good luck and I look forward to seeing all of your comments.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Blog #16 Remembering the Holocaust, lest we forget

Welcome to your new semester in JROTC.  Since this is the 70th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust, I think that it is only fitting that we delve into the darker side of history during WWII.  Your task this week is to read the following posted article on NPR about a Holocaust Survivor and post your comments.  Once you have provided your comments, remember to find another story on a website or video that gives information about the Holocaust and post that link to your site. I have been to Germany and went through the Holocaust Museum at Dachau and I will never forget the emotions or feelings from being there. Also remember and keep in mind that there are people around the world that still believe that the Holocaust did not happen. Good luck and remember the comment on your peer's work as well. And is your video link.  
NPR Holocaust Survivor  Remember that you can also listen to this story as well as read it by clicking on the link on the story site.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Blog #15 Leadership and Lessons I Have Learned

You are halfway completed with you final this week and you last task is to prepare for your essay tomorrow. Your task is to write at least a one page essay on how you have improved as a student/cadet over the past 4 months. Also state why you are planning on staying with the program and how has it helped you as a young student. Remember to use the 14 leadership traits and 7 Army Values to support your work. I know that some of you will be leaving JROTC at the end of the year so your input will be invaluable to making our program a better one for future cadets.

The Second Part of your Essay is to write a One Page Essay on the book that you read about your leader this past month. Remember that you have two pages to write so I hope that you are ready for your task in class tomorrow. Thanks again for your work and progress and I look forward to your award ceremony this next month. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Blog #14 Healthy Happy Hearts, we are what we eat...

We are almost at the end of the Semester and one of your last tasks while we are studying about eating healthy and managing our body weight is to find a story of video that promotes good health. Post the story/url to our blog and comment on the story, remember to comment on comment on at least one of your peer's work and have a great time with your Regents Testing that is coming up. Good luck on your Semester Finals as well. Thanks again and here is your video.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Blog #13 A Healthy and Happy New Year to all...

Happy New Year cadets and I hope that you had a wonderful time off. If you made your Goal/New Year Resolution, you are a large part of the population in the U.S. As you know, if your resolution is not achievable, you will not be successful with your goal and will stop trying by the end of January. To help you out, just remember that it only takes 30 days to make something become a habit. So if you walk 1 mile each day for the next 30 days, you will start to enjoy your walks and will be more likely to keep walking and want to become more involved in other exercise. What are you going to do this semester to improve your fitness? What is your goal and how will you achieve it? Post your answer and add your video/URL that supports your goal. Don't forget to comment on a peer's work and let's start 2015 off with a Healthy New Year!