Saturday, December 29, 2012

Blog #14 Have A Happy New Year

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas and Holiday.  As the
New Year fast approaches my Christmas Wish is that the world
become a safer place for everyone. That each and every one of
you take the time to enjoy the small things and revel in the joy of
the moment. Don't let time pass you by and live to love your dreams.
My New Years resolution will be forthcoming with the very next
blog. Remember to post your New Year's Wish and try to set
the example that you would like to see in the rest of the world.
Warmest regards and I hope you enjoy the book that you are
reading.  Here is a video that I hope you enjoy.

For those of you that are looking for the download link for your
term project check out your Pupil Path for your assignment. Thanks to
Cadet Choudhury, she kept me on my toes and I figured out how to post
the items for you to download.  You can also click on the link provided
here: Term Project Download. Good luck and Happy New Year. I am
looking forward to reading your work and getting back to see each and
every one of you.  

Monday, December 17, 2012

Blog #13 Stronger Gun Control Laws?

Good morning Cadets.  This weeks task has to deal with the tragedy that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School this past Friday.  As all of you know, 20 students were killed along with 8 faculty members.  Their lives were cut short by a person that eventually took their own life with one of the
weapons that he used to kill the other people.  The current outcry is to have stronger gun control laws in our society.  Your task at hand this week is to post your opinions on how we can stop such a tragedy from happening again. Keep in mind to be respectful of other cadet's opinions and to keep an open mind when you read their responses.  Post your opinions backed up with information that supports your opinion along with a credible web-site URL. In your responses, please post your condolences to those families that lost loved ones as well.  Good luck cadet's and here is my website link.

Gun Control Needed

To those parents and family members that lost loved ones during the massacre at your school, I offer my most heartfelt apologies and condolences. No words can remove the grief that you have in your hearts. Remember to hold onto the goodness and joy that those loved ones brought into your life and never let go of those feelings. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Blog #12 Leadership Term Project Update

Good day cadets.  As usual, that clock is ticking on your term project for Leadership.  Don't procrastinate and wait until the very end to try and finish your book.  You have had 3 weeks now and some of you should be finished or close to it by now.  Your task this week is to give an update on your book status.  Post how many pages you have read. Give a brief synopsis of what you have read so far and let our blog readers as well as cadet's know if you are satisfied with your choice and what inspirational information you may have gained so far.  You should post another URL for a different web-site for your research and remember to comment on your peer's work as well.  I must say that I am very impressed with the choice of books that most of you chose this year. I look forward to your work and your classroom presentations.  Good luck and here is my site for the person I am reading about:  Harry Truman

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Blog #11 The Breath of Life that saves

Hi again cadets. As we get back into the swing of things with
First-Aid and Health, your task this week is to find a video or
posting from a website that has a story about a person saving
another person's life using mouth to mouth resuscitation or
cardio-pulminary resuscitation (CPR).  Make sure that you
give a brief synopsis about the story with your URL link and
you must also comment on your peer's work as well.  Don't
forget to continue to read your Leader's Autobiography as
well to finish your term project.  Good luck and here is my

Monday, November 19, 2012

Blog #10 Thanksgiving and thankfulness

During this time of year, we all have something to be thankful for.
I myself count my blessing as I have my family that is still here after
Hurricane Sandy.  We have our house that is still standing and
I know that we will be able to make repairs and make it better.
We will have a great Thanksgiving Dinner with all of our family
and I know that there are those that will not be so lucky.  I am also
thankful for having a secure job and having great students that keep
classes interesting.  Here is the video that I chose to give thanks.
Hope you like the video and music.

Blog #9 My Favorite Leader / Role Model

Good day again Cadets.  I know we have been talking about great leaders
and their qualities that inspire us as great role models.  My favorite musician
was John Philips Sousa. He is not also known as the Mark King but also
was a great musician and composer.  He inspired me to join the Army Band
and is responsible for my career in the military.  Below is a list of leaders
in various fields that can be your starting point to select a leader for your
Term Project to read about.  Post your leader/leaders that you are interested
in add a website URL about your leader as well. Remember to comment and
leave positive feedback on your peer's work and make sure you can get
your book, biography or autobiography by the end of November.  Your
Term Project will be due in January of 2013 so don't procrastinate. Get to
work and finish on time and you will be ahead of the game with your time
management.  Here is my video on John Philips Sousa:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blog #8 Presidential candidate, was your's the winner?

Hi again cadets. Now that all of the hoopla has died down after the election, it is time for the leaders of our country to set aside differences and work together to get our country back on track.  I hope that your candidate won and if so, please post a message of positive support. If your candidate lost, be respectful and post a message that you hope the President will work towards making a reality in the next 4 years. Either way, the masses of our country have spoken and voiced their opinion.  Now is the time for everyone to pull together and make America a stronger country again. Not only for our citizens but for the rest of the world. Post your comments, videos, links etc and as always, comment on your peer's work.  Good luck and I look forward to reading your postings as always.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Blog #7 Veteran's salute and day of tribute

As November 11, 2012 rolls around, it is again our time to post our own personal tributes to the Veteran's that served, fought, and died for our country.  We just held our Presidential Election, all of which would not have been possible without their sacrifices.  The following video is one that I find very fitting to demonstrate our caring for those brave and gallant individuals.  

Please post your video links and demonstrate to rest of the world how proud you are of those who have served to protect and defend our country.  Make sure to comment on your peer's work and if you make a video of your own and post it, you will get extra-credit for your efforts.  Thanks again and I look forward to seeing what videos you select or make.  May God Bless every man and women that has ever served or died for this glorious country.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Blog #6 What did you do after Hurricane Sandy?

Hi cadets and I hope that all of you OK after Hurricane Sandy.
My house is still standing and with water damage to the
basement. I had inclusive wind and water damage to my first
floor but will be alright.  This blog to so demonstrate your
caring and compassion and to highlight what you did to help
your community after the hurricane.  I went out to Belle Harbor
and help neighbors clear out their flooded basements, garages,
and cars.  I also passed out food and water to those that needed

Post what actions you took to help your neighbors and I hope
that each and every one of you are thankful for what you still
have. I know that I count my blessing daily.  Comment on
other cadet's work and post stories about helping others in
your community from videos or news feeds.  Good luck and
I look forward to seeing your work.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Blog #5 Thinking outside the box, cardboard box that is...

Good day cadets and welcome back to your second marking period. This week I was lucky to come across and innovative idea that could revolutionize travel in busy cities and 3rd world countries.  I would like for your to watch this video and provide your comments. You next task to find an new groundbreaking idea that you feel is similar to this video that will help improve our future. These types of advances are made by true leaders in the field of discovery and invention. I look forward to your selections and can't wait to see what you bring to our blog for everyone to see. Remember to also comment on your peer's work as well.  Good luck and I hope you like the video, here it is. Did I mention that the price for the bike will be $20.00?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog #4 Presidential Candidates and Health Care Reform

Welcome back Cadets. I hope you had a great weekend and are up to your task this week.  Since we are studying First-Aid and how to save a person life, your task this week is look at your Presidential Candidate and post what their ideas are on Health Care for the people of the United States. Remember to post the URL for the site that you use to support your facts. Give a brief synopsis of the position and why you think that it is the right one for the american public. And last but not least, remember to comment on your peer's work. As always, you are doing such a great job, I am having to keep on my toes to challenge you. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the Presidential Debate this Tuesday evening at Hofstra University. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Blog #3 Presidential Debates and Half Truths

Welcome back Cadets.  Your task this week is to analyse last week's Presidential
Debate between President Obama and Governor Romney.  You must select your
Presidential candidate,  research and post your opponent's half truth that they 
tried to sway the public with during the debate.  Remember, that you must post 
the URL where you obtained your information that supports your fact and also
comment on another cadet's work.  The final part of this research is to do the 
exact same thing for the Vice-Presidential Debate this Thursday evening. 
Good luck and here is one of the statements that I found what was a half truth:

"Romney Fact Check #1: Health Care Costs Rose $2,500 per Family

Under Obama — 9:41 p.m.: Governor Romney:  Health care costs have 
up by $2500 a family. As we reported in March, the average cost of 
a family 
policy rose by $1,300 between 2010 and 2011, according to the 
(Even if you include the year before 
— so 2009 to 2011 — the increase 
was $1,700, not $2,500.)

Make sure that you use other sources besides the one that I have listed about
and good luck with this assignment.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Blog #2 Should You need a State Issued I.D. in order to vote?

Good morning cadets and I hope you are up to the task at hand today. Today you are being ask your opinion on whether or not you should have to have a state issued I.D. in order to vote.  What ever your opinion is, you must back up your opinion with valid research material online to support your position.  Keep in mind that at least 14 states have already enacted this law for the upcoming election.  Do you think that this is fair?  Keep your opinions clear and don't be afraid to stand your ground. Let your fellow students and the world know where you stand on this issue.
Post your URL for support of your opinion on our blog and also comment on your peer's work.  Good luck and I look forward to reading your responses.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blog #1 Good Samaritan Saves Good Samaritan | Video - ABC News

Welcome back to a new year Cadets.  As we are starting to work on First Aid and the importance of saving a life, your task this week is one that should be interesting for you.  You must find a news story online that is about a Good Samaritan and post the URL link back to our site.  Your next step is to give a brief synopsis about your story and your last part of the assignment is to read another cadet's work and leave positive feedback on their work. Below is my video link for your first story. I hope you enjoy and learn something in the process.

Good Samaritan Saves Good Samaritan | Video - ABC News

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Blog #33 Coney Island Principal pulls patriotic song

Coney Island principal refuses to let kindergarten students sing "God Bless the USA" at graduation, but Justin Bieber's "Baby" is OK

Cadets: Please read this article and let me know what you think about the decision
that was made to drop the song "God Bless the U.S.A." from the graduation
ceremony.  Thanks and have a great year.  I hope that anyone that reads this
blog will post their responses.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Blog #32 Vietnam Veteran Paul Naso presentation

Hi again cadets. Here is one of the recorded videos of Mr. Paul Naso, the Vietnam Veteran that spoke to our class on the 1st of June, 2012.  Hope you enjoyed the class and be sure to  leave comments for Mr. Naso on our website to show your appreciation.

Vietnam Veteran Paul Naso from denise lewis on Vimeo.
Here is the web-site that Mr. Naso mentioned for the Wolfhounds. Make sure you log onto the site and look at other soldiers information and leave positive messages. Post their names back to our site and don't forget to mention that you are from Tiger Battalion JROTC. Good luck and keep up your hard work. This is worth extra credit with your final score. Wolfhounds Vietnam War Website

Blog #31 Paying the respect of a Grateful Nation

An now it's time to say good-bye and turn a close to our classes for this year.  Your last post is to watch the following video related to the Vietnam Memorial Wall.  Once you have done so, find a name on the wall and post that soldier's information back to our blog.  Here is the link for a great site for names on the wall:
Vietnam Memorial Wall Names    Vietnam Memorial Wall Information 
Vietnam Memorial Wall Search     Vietnam War Letters Returned
Here is the video and I hope  you enjoy this work.  Remember to post your comments on other's work.  How many women have their names on the wall and how many Medal of Honor winners are on the wall. Everyone that has their name on this wall deserves more recognition than they received for their ultimate sacrifice.

My friend that was killed in the Vietnam War was named Rex Thornley.  Here is the link for his information:
Rex Thornley's Wall Information

is honored on Panel 9W, Row 46 of
the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Date of Birth:9/15/1950
Date of Casualty:6/11/1970
Home of Record:BELL GARDENS
Branch of Service:MARINE CORPS
Casualty Country:SOUTH VIETNAM
Casualty Province:QUANG NAM

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blog #30 Dear America, Letters home from Vietnam

Cadets, as promised, here is the first video of 8 parts that are available for you to watch on Youtube.  These videos are excellent and will give you a personal insight into what soldiers experienced during the Vietnam war.
Once you have watched the first video, post your thoughts about one of the letters from home that touched you. Remember to comment on other cadet's posts.

Don't forget to watch the other 7 segments on Youtube. Each one is well worth the 10 minutes they take.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Blog #29 Welcome Vietnam War Guest speaker

As promised cadets, as we move into the study of the Vietnam War, 
I am bringing in a guest speaker that will talk to you about his experiences
in the war on Friday, the 1st of June.  Please prepare three questions in 
advance and post them to our site so that he will have a chance to read 
them. Be prepared to ask them in class during the discussion session.  
As always, remember to comment on other student's questions. 
You can also research those same questions online to find
other soldier's responses. Post the URL where you found your answers.
I hope you will learn more from this lesson through your research and
critical thinking analysis.  The only questions that are off limits are:
"Did you ever kill anyone and what did it feel like?"  and "Do you know
how many people you killed?" 

Good luck and I look forward to seeing your questions as well.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Blog #28 101 ways to honor those that served

As Fleet week is approaching as well as Memorial Day, your task this week is to locate a video and post the video URL to our site to show your respect and gratitude for those individuals that have helped keep us free.  As always, make sure to give the reason why you chose your selection, a brief outline of the video and comment on other cadet's work. Once you have done this, you have completed this weeks task. Here is the video that I chose, I hope that you like it. Remember, you also get extra credit for this assignment if you create your own video and post it to Youtube and posting the URL here. I know you will do a great job.


Monday, May 14, 2012

Blog #27 The highest honor our country can bestow on a soldier.

In learning about the Korean conflict we found out that Ernest R. Kouma was the first soldier to receive the Medal of Honor for his action on August 31, 1950.  His actions speak louder than words and credited will killing over 250 enemy soldiers and saving hundreds of US infantry soldiers while sustaining personal injuries earned him the Medal of Honor.  Your task is to research other Medal of Honor winners and post their name, actions and the URL for the website where you obtained your information.  Be sure to give a brief synopsis on what they did to receive the medal and to also comment on other cadet's work. Try to find related stories of Medal of Honor winners that you can relate to either from the current wars that we are studying or from individuals that caught your interest. Good luck and I hope you enjoy this assignment.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog #26 Term Project, Vietnam Movies and Reality

Hi again cadets.  Your term project will be due in June and requires you to watch a movie about the Vietnam War. You must also complete a worksheet that will require you to do research and use your critical thinking skills. This project must be completed and turned in on Monday, the 4th of June, 2012.  Just like your term project from last semester, failure to complete this assignment will result in a failing grade for the semester.  Below is a sample list of movies that are available about the Vietnam War.  Your task is to select 3 possible movies that you would like to view and explain why you chose them. You must then find a URL links about one of the movies and give your opinion about the authenticity of that movie.  Good luck and remember that you will choose your actual movie this week in class.  Don't forget to comment on other cadet's work as well and I hope you enjoy this assignment.  Here's your list and your worksheet will be posted with next weeks assignment.

Movie Name Year      Movie Name Year
84 Charlie MoPic 1989      Platoon Leader 1988
A Bright Shining Lie 1998      Rescue Dawn 2006
A Yank in Vietnam 1964      The Anderson Platoon 1967
Apocalypse Now 1979      The Deer Hunter 1978
Bat 21 1988      The Green Berets 1968
Born on the 4th of July 1989      The Hanoi Hilton 1887
Casualties of War 1989      The Iron Triangle 1989
Coming Home 1978      The Odd Angry Shot 1979
Faith of My Fathers 2005      The Siege of Firebase Gloria 1989
Full Metal Jacket 1987      The Walking Dead 1995
Go Tell The Spartans 1978      Tigerland 2000
Good Morning Vietnam 1987      Tunnel Rats 2008
Hamburger Hill 1987      Uncommon Valor 1983
Heaven and Earth 1993      Under Heavy Fire 2001
Platoon 1986      We Were Soldiers 2002

Monday, May 7, 2012

Blog #25A (Bonus) JROTC Military Ball Photos

Hi again. As promised, here are the links from your Military Ball hosted at the Fort Hamilton Army Base on May 5, 2012.  Hope you enjoy them. There are two links, one for Snapfish where you can order prints if you would like and one from Photobucket where you can do the same.

Snapfish JROTC Military Ball Photos 2012

Photobucket JROTC Military Ball 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Blog #25 Cold War beginnings and at what cost?

Hi again cadets.  Here we are in the final stretch of our school year
and I hope you enjoy the last marking period as much as I do.
As we study the Cold War, your task this time is to find out
where Foreign Aide started. Next you must select a country in
the world and find out how much Foreign Aide the U.S.
pays that country each year. Post your research information
and website URL back to this site along with your findings. Explain
how this contributes to the United States budget each year and
how it will ultimately affect you. Do you think that this money
could be spent a better and and how? Make sure that you are
specific as possible with you answers.  Be sure to comment on at least
one other cadet's work. Be positive but also make sure that you
are helpful with your critique.  Lastly, you must download
the Cold War Handout that we are using in class and use that to
study while you are at home or traveling with your Smart Devices.
Here is the link: Cold War Download Handouts

Monday, April 23, 2012

Blog #24 Two lives saved by a stroke of luck

Good morning cadets and welcome back from your spring vacation.
I hope that all of you had a great time.  Your argument/persuasive essays
are in and I am reading and grading them. Since we are working on health
and saving lives with the Heimlich and CPR I thought you would enjoy
this story that gives a new twist to fate or karma.  Please read and then
find another story that is related to CPR and post the URL link to our
site. Make sure to give a brief synopsis of your article or movie and to
also comment on other student's work.  Enjoy and try to find some
video links as well if possible.

Teen saves life of woman who saved him


Friday, April 6, 2012

Blog #23 Persuasive Essay:Business, Facebook and your privacy

Good morning cadets. I  hope you are enjoying your vacation time. You assignment this week is to write a "Persuasive Essay" on whether businesses and corporations have the right to ask for your Facebook Email and Password during a job interview before you are hired.  For those of you that were in class on Thursday, you already know what position you were given. For those that were not, you must select the opposite side that you would normally take and argue that point.  The details are as follows: 5 Paragraphs; 400 to 500 words; Typed; 12 pitch font; Ariel Font; double spaced; one inch border on top and sides.  You must also post a website URL to this blog that you used for your research information. Make sure you also post your final opinion here as well as posting comments on other cadet's work. Good luck and I know you will have a good time with this argument|

Monday, March 26, 2012

Blog #22 Drug presentation refresher and famous quotes

Hi again cadets. Your first task at hand is to complete your Drug Presentations that must be ready by next Monday, the 2nd of April. Remember that all members of your group must present and be actively engaged with your presentation. So your task for this assignment is post a URL for one of the sites that you have used for your research. You can use movies as well but must document them correctly with your work. The second part of this assignment is to take a side on the following quote, you are either for or against the statement and you must explain your response accordingly. " A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have." Thomas Jefferson. Do you believe this is a true statement or not? Make sure you support your belief and also comment on other student's work. Good luck and try to find other quotes to use to support your work. See you on Monday for your presentations.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Blog #21 Bullying and unethical persons of responsibility

Good morning cadets.  Getting back into the swing of things, here is the video that we watched in class.  Remember our discussions and some of the ideas that were brought up for ways to combat such problems.
Your task is to find other stories related to bullying and cite how people are starting to stand up for their rights and the rights of others or how bullying affected their lives.  Post the URL for the video or news site and make sure that you give a brief outline of your work as well as commenting on other student's work.  You can also relate your own stories if you feel strong enough to share with your friends and the public.  Here is the first video with an additional one to watch and comment on.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blog #20 The three most feared questions...

Hi again cadets. Here it is with less than 1 week away from our command inspection and everyone is getting nervous so I thought that I would give you an outlet to post your thoughts and fears.  Your task this week is to list 3 questions that you are most afraid of that the inspectors will ask you.  When you list your 3 questions, after that make sure you post how you will prepare prepare yourself for your ordeal and what you will do to ensure that the Tiger Battalion keeps it's gold star status.  As always, make sure that you also comment on other cadet's work.  Good luck, keep your chin up, breath deep and remember that it's almost over. 

Blog #19 Life changing drugs for the better

Welcome back cadets and I hope you had a great vacation.  I keep hearing about great advancements in medical science so I thought we would do some research to see what is going to improve your life in the future. Remember that you must post a URL address for your medical finding site.  You must give a brief outline of the  story and you must also comment on another cadet's work.  If you fail to do those things, you will not get full credit for your work.  Here is a video that I found on a medical marvel that should help each and every one of you.  I hope you enjoy the video.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Blog #18 Good drug, bad drug, it's all up to you...

Hi again cadets. We start this weeks blog on a sad note with the passing of Ms. Whitney Houston. Dead at the age of 48, this wonderful lady's voice has been stilled and her musical talents will be missed by all. The sad thing is that her passing may have been preventable. As we all know, there are good drugs and bad drugs. Even a good drug that is used incorrectly can cause you harm and that may have played a part in the cause of Ms. Houston's demise. There have been numerous celebrities, musicians, and leaders of the world that have died from the use of drugs. Your task it to find one of those individuals, post their name to our site and a brief explanation of what happened to cut their life short. Remember to post your URL on your news source and to also comment on another cadet's work to receive full credit for this assignment. Here is a video on Ms. Houston and our heart and prayers go out to her family and friends for their loss.
Whitney Houston Interview

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blog #17 First-aid, drugs, and life saving, all rolled into one!

Welcome back to the start of our 2nd Semester cadets.  I hope you are well rested and ready to go with all of your classes.  Since we are studying first-aid, and the different types of drugs, your task for this assignment is to find a related story that deals with some form of first-aid that helps care for or saves a persons life.  If the story is also drug related, then make sure you mention that issue as well when you post your URL and brief synopsis about your story.  A news video would be excellent as well.  Last but not least make sure that you post comments about each other's work. Watch the following video and you can see all 3 of the above listed items being talked about in this news worthy incident.  Good luck and have fun.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Blog #16 Staying healthy, having fun

Hi Cadets. I hope you enjoyed your MLK holiday and are looking forward to getting back to your studies.  Here is the link that I promised you that will give you 20 exercises that you can do in your home without having to go to a gym and pay for special equipment.
This should make your parents and your wallet happy.  Take a look at the site and let me know which exercises you find the most interesting.  After you make your post, search the internet for other interesting and fun exercises to keep fit without having to spend a lot of money. Post your URL back to our site and also remember to comment on other cadets' work.  Keeping in shape during the winter months can be trying but with persistence comes rewards. Thanks for all of your hard work this past semester and I hope we have more fun this next semester. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Blog #15 What is your drug of choice?

We are going to be moving on in the area of health. Your mission is to select one of the drugs
that are listed in Chapter 3, pages 98 to 120 that you are interested in learning more about.
Once you have selected your drug of choice, post your answer to our site, explain why you
chose that drug and then post your URL address from the web where you found out more
information on that drug. Remember to choose wisely and the same drug can only be chose
3 times from the same class so watch out and read the postings. Be sure to comment on other
cadets work and then you'll be done with your work for this week.

Although this video has nothing to do with drugs, it does have information that is eye
opening. I hope you enjoy this and share it with your friends and family.